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"What is up L!" You shouted, your loud voice echoing throughout the room. "Look at what I found!" You dashed to him, ripping your phone out of your pocket and snapping the screen wide open. You instantly pressed the photos app as you searched for the video you recorded of Light's confession.

"Huh? What?" You brought your phone closer to your eyes as you searched frantically, pressing every single key on the flip phone. "Where did it go?!" You yelled angrily at the phone. "Ugh! That idiot deleted it!" You assumed Light had snuck into your room and deleted the video on your phone.

"I took a video of Light confessing to being Kira yesterday!" You slammed your phone onto the desk and shook your head. L looked at you with confusion in his eyes, "Well, we won't need it." He comforted you as he turned his screen towards you.

"I've formulated the chance of Light being Kira." He pointed at a ridiculously long and complicated math equation on the screen. You turned your head in confusion, trying to decipher what was going on.

"But this is the list of evidence against Light Yagami I have now." He switched documents and showed you a list of dot points. You read through a couple of dot points before clapping excitedly. "Yay! Now we have the perfect logic against Light!" You clapped with a smile plastered on your face.

L gave you a gentle smile before turning his monitor back towards him and doing something on the computer. You decided to think for a moment before speaking again.


"Ew! Gross!" You laughed through the phone. Ann was telling you the details of what happened at the adult nightclub. She decided to work at the nightclub since she frequented it so often.

You looked over at L, afraid that you were distracting him from his work, so you excused yourself and exited the building. "Your mum rang me the other day," Ann started with a teasing tone. "She asked how you were and stuff, but I was confused, how did she get my number and how did she remember me?" She questioned, with her voice turning higher and more confused with each word.

In high school, your parents were deathly afraid of Ann and the rest of your friends' influence on you. They thought that you would also become rebellious and drop out of school, which you didn't. You guessed that from the old phonebook you left at your parent's home, Ann's number was written inside.

"It's probably from the phonebook I left at their home." 
"Oh, that's right! I still have my phonebook from years ago. There's a boy I had a crush on in middle school when I studied abroad, maybe I should phone him." She giggled through the phone.

"Oh! I have to get ready for work now! Bye!" She waited for your response before she slammed her phone lid down, ending your phone call.

You decided to play on your phone before entering the building again. 

The sunset of the Spring season was enjoyable and pleasant. The chill wind brushed against your bare legs and arms, making you shiver slightly. Your skirt flowed with the wind and your hair was flicking against your back and shoulders.

You were taking a look at your photo album, flicking through the images. There were many pictures of scenery, an image of a bluebird standing on a cherry blossom branch, the sunset, or a picture of how the neon lights in Kabukicho lit up the dark sky. Next was a picture of you and Ann, she winked in the photo with a peace sign whilst your eyes were closed shut with a big, toothy smile. You smiled at the picture before sliding to the next one.

It showed a picture of you and Light Yagami. His eyes were gentle and kind, he was a bit caught off guard while you smiled lightly. The picture was taken in your bedroom as you both sat at your desk while you were bored of studying. 

The next picture was a picture of you laying on your bed, sitting up, and your feet were covered by fuzzy socks in the corner of the frame and Light's back was seen as he was studying on your desk. The shot was lit only by a desk lamp.

You gave a faint smile at the image before swiping to the next. A picture of Light with your pink apron on, his face as pink as the apron. Next was a picture of you, Light and L from the day at the arcade. Next was a selfie of you and Light before your class began, then a picture of Light and yours stationary together on the desk, then a picture of a meal Light made, and then- Why were there so many pictures of Light?!

You flicked through your photo album rapidly as it was filled with pictures of Light. You sighed in frustration, slamming the lid shut and shoving the phone into your pocket. "What's gotten you so feisty?" You looked up at the familiar voice as you were met with Light Yagami, arms intertwined with a blonde girl, her hair split into half twin tails.

You ignored his stupid remark as you glared at Misa briefly. You sighed once again, shutting your eyes and leaning your head to rest upon the cold wall of the building. If you had a pack of cigarettes on you, you'd probably smoke one right now.

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