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a/n: the other night i had a dream about light and L on a train, it was kinda weird

Light's warmth was heating your cold body, his legs were pressed up against yours. He held his arms around your waist and his chin was on your shoulder, resting his head against yours.

You didn't mind the position, it was just the PDA that made you uncomfortable. You focussed on the professor, your hands writing down every word that came out his mouth, and copying down every diagram on the big screen.

"It's not fair... I wish we had more classes together." Light whined into your ear as his finger drew circles onto your thigh. You ignored him as your focus was stuck on the professor.

You aggressively scribbled into your notebook until the session finally ended.

"That was a tough session," you stretched your arms once you both left the building. "I'm so glad that was our last class for the day. Hey Light, why weren't you paying attention at all?" You questioned him, looking at his muddled expression.

"Oh, I already knew all of it. There's no need to listen to something twice... unless it's out of your mouth." He whispered the last part into your ear as you pushed his face away from you. "You're embarrassing." You shamed him as you rolled your eyes at him.

"Oh, L!" Light's attention diverted from you and he waved at the boy, crouched barefoot onto the bench. "Hi Light!" He greeted back with excitement you'd never expect to see from him. "How's it going?" He switched back to his natural demeanour, an emotionless robot.

You giggled at L's dramatics as the pair conversed, you stood politely next to Light. "Why don't we go out into the city? We're not doing anything after school today." Light invited L to join the pair of you to have some fun. "It's rare for you to leave your office so we should make the most of it." Light crossed his arms with a smirk growing on his face, like a challenge to L.

"Why not." L agreed with his usual monotonous voice.


You walked next to Light as he walked alongside L. They spoke quite a lot as you walked calmly, your hands were intertwined with each other and you took in the scenery of the busy streets. The pair definitely seemed to be getting close, they could be good friends if Light wasn't Kira...

"Oh! An arcade!" You spotted a sign which pointed to an underground arcade. "We should go in!" You suggested with excitement in your voice and posture. Both L and Light looked at each other in hesitation before a dazzling fire stemmed into their eyes.

"I will so win this!" Light was determined to take home victory but so was L, "Definitely not." He disagreed with Light, implying he was the one to become the champion.

Looks like you were trapped between two men who were determined to beat each other.

You paid for tokens and cards before playing, even before you began properly playing, Light and L were arguing about who would pay.

You ignored them and hopped onto a game machine with a car seat and a steering wheel. Luckily, there were four other seats so you all would be able to verse each other. "I'm a good driver, you know." You heard Light brag to L as you sat in between them. L ignored him as the game started a countdown.

3... 2... 1... GO!

The sounds of tires screeching and engines revving, you turned the wheel swiftly from left to right. You followed the course with ease as you sat back in comfort. You pulled on the handbrake and spun the wheel.

You took a look at the placing you were in and you were 3rd, it seemed that L and Light were both ahead of you. The pair went silent as they entered a state of pure focus. They were close in the race, their cars crashing and scratching against each other.

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