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a/n: guys this cosplay is CRAZY!! this is daruma chan btw! my heart skipped a beat when i saw this( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )

At least you made it out in one piece from last night's horrid work session. Although you were a sly and charismatic talker, talking definitely tired you out.

Your bag was slung over your shoulder as you walked to school, entering the campus grounds. You sucked on the melon flavour lollipop that was swinging side to side inside your mouth. You were probably the best when it comes to things regarding your tongue... even if you never had the experience.

Back once again in your punk outfit, your thighs bouncing with every step as your skirt was dangerously short. 

Today, your first session was a class you only picked since you knew that it would be an easy pass. Your best subject, foreign language, English. Your next subject would be your shared class with Light Yagami. The name made you cringe just thinking about him.

Anyway, you walked peacefully to your class, without being disturbed at all. Sitting in a random seat next to the window, you pulled out your notes and pens. It was time to plan out how you were going to get that black-haired woman away from Light Yagami. She seems as if she's constantly attached to Light's side like she'd disintegrate if she left his side.

Maybe you could try and set her up with a new man? No... that wouldn't work at all. First, you determined what it was about Light that she liked so much - probably his intelligence. She probably got swept up by his flirtatious and charismatic personality, any woman would.

Why would Light even like a woman like her? Was she of use to him? Did she serve any purpose in his work? I doubt he'd even care if she suddenly disappeared. You sighed in defeat and stared out the window.

What a surprise. Light Yagami and that girl. She was of so little significance to you that you didn't even bother to learn her name.

You chewed on your lollipop, the pieces crunching beneath your teeth. "Tch. She's annoying." You were infuriated, lost as to how to get rid of her peacefully.


It was finally the end of your second period. Light Yagami did not pay any attention to you from when he walked in and when he was ready to leave. As he quickly packed up his items, you "dropped" your eraser in front of you and it hit that woman. You suppressed your evil giggle and tried to retrieve your rubber.

"I'm sorry. It slipped out my hand." You apologised to her as she looked up at you with tired and slightly angry eyes.

Light who was almost out of the room, stopped and waited for his "girlfriend". "I'm so sorry... How can I make it up to you? I-I'm really sorry." You frantically apologised and panic arose to your face and your hands began to shake.

She also seemed to panic and looked back at Light to tell him that he could leave before her. Yes! You internally celebrated and let out a maniacal laugh in your mind.

"I-I can take you out to lunch if you'd like... Or I can buy you some clothes or umm... boba!" You stuttered, your eyes moving side to side to show your panic. "Please calm down. I'm okay." She gave you an apologetic smile as she packed up all her stationary and was ready to leave. You followed her and packed up in a rushed manner.

You both left the room, your head held down, avoiding any eye contact and staring at your feet. There was no one around you now, everyone left to have lunch or were in class.

"I have something to speak to you about." Your shy demeanor continued, your eyes becoming glossy while you looked up at her. She twisted her head in confusion as she looked deeply beyond your facial expressions but you knew she wasn't smart enough to get through to you. She's a woman, an easy and stupid woman. By using the female emotions, you can remove her from the situation.

"I know you like Light Yagami... But I-I want a chance with him. I've liked him for a while now, and I can't give him to anybody else." Your eyes turned dark as you could see shock cover her face. "I... I didn't know that. But I don't think I can give you him, I'm deeply in love with him, much more than you are." She makes you wanna vomit, gross. These women and their desires for such useless men. She doesn't even know she's being used yet she dares want to fight you for a guy like Light Yagami?

You sighed, she was making this hard. You pulled something sharp and shiny from your pocket as you pressed it against her neck, your other hand held tightly behind her neck. "You did this to yourself... You do not know what trouble that manipulator Light Yagami will cause you. You stupid and naive bitch!" You pressed the knife closer to her neck as blood began to draw and drip down her neck.

Her face showed visible pain and discomfort, her eyes shut in fear. "If you swear to leave him alone, never approach him again, and break up with him, then will you leave unscathed. Your life is in my hands." Your shy demeanour disappeared as darkness overtook you. She was shaking beneath your hands and her hands reached for yours.

"Don't touch me. The only thing you can move is your mouth to answer yes or no." You demanded with slyness glazed in your speech. "Yes... I-I promise. I'll leave him alone! I swear!" She begged for her life. You chuckled as you let her go, "If you speak of this to anybody, I promise you will not see another day." You whispered into her ear as you slowly put the knife back into your pocket.

You turned away quickly and pretended you never even spoke to her, as you passed by some hallways, you pulled a towel off from the security cameras that you had hidden earlier. 

As you arrived at the bottom floor, you walked around campus. In a giddy mood with your headphones in, you danced around and sat on a random bench. You pulled out your phone, crossed your legs, and played on your flip phone.

"Aren't I just a genius?" You bragged to yourself and flipped your hair over your shoulder. "(Y/N)." A monotonous voice called out to you, his bare feet shoved into the shoes, crushing the back of the shoes, that's what you first saw before looking up. "Oh, hi." You simply greeted, a bit afraid. 

"Hello." He greeted back as he slipped out of his sneakers and placed his feet onto the bench, sitting next to you in a crouched position. You moved over in discomfort, pulling all your items away from him.

"(Y/N) (L/N), the daughter of the amazing (L/N) family, a child prodigy. Was always first place in all her exams, but why did you make a mistake in your uni entrance exam? You could have easily gotten a perfect score. Surely that's what your parents would have wanted." He interrogated you as you were profoundly shocked, throwing your arms up in fear. "Wh-who are you?" You questioned him, voice shaking and eyes twitching.

"I am L." He simply stated which threw you into surprise. "L? As in... the best detective in the world? Well, I mean that's what they call you, who even knows if you're really the best." You teased him as your face got closer to his and a mischievous grin grew on your face. "Yes. I am currently investigating the Kira case. I want you to... assist me." He requested, his finger reaching his lips as he sucked on the tip. "Me? Why me?"

"Well, years ago, I worked with your mother on one of the cases I was assigned to. She proved to be intelligent. I reached out to her for this case but she declined my offer, instead she offered you."

Your mouth was left agape, in confusion and shock, no words could exit your mouth. "I... I want a few days to think about this. Wanna exchange numbers?" You grinned as your face was super close to L's. "You can have Watari's number, he works with me."

"Aww, whatever." You pouted as you passed your phone to him.

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