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You eventually learned that the shinigami in your home's name was Ryuk. He wasn't horrible, he just opened his mouth at inappropriate times, he was actually quite funny. He seemed to get on Light's nerves which was quite humorous. 

Since Light became Kira once again, you were forced to cook again. You washed his clothes, cooked for him, cleaned after him, did literally everything like you were his mum. 

While you were wiping down the counters, you let out a deep sigh that came from the bottom of your stomach. Light was sitting on the ground in the living room, his books and pens on the coffee table as he spent his free time studying.

You crouched over behind the counter as you peeked your head out to look at him. He's acting strange again...

You stared at him, reminiscing about the times you and Light had spent together peacefully. "Am I that handsome?" He called out to you as you quickly hid your head, sitting on the cold ground and your face with in your hands. "Not at all." You answered through your hands, hearing Ryuk's cackle in return.

"You're quite popular with the ladies, Light." Ryuk teased Light, or maybe he was trying to get on your nerves. You ignored his comment as you stood up, wiping your bottom from the dust. "Ryuk... Are you happy?" You turned your attention to the terrifying-looking shinigami, moving closer to Light's position and laying onto the couch. Your legs hung off the edges of the couch as your hair laid lazily against the couch.

"Happy? That's a weird question. Well, right now I'm quite bored." He thought to himself, "Hey (Y/N), do you have any apples?" Ryuk dodged your question as his mouth began to salivate and his legs bobbed from side to side. "Have you been eating all my apples?" You looked over at him as he was sideways in your point of view.

"Maybe..." He shamefully admitted as he fazed through the ground and disappeared. "Isn't it weird... this world now has shinigamis and a magical notebook." You mumbled to yourself, staring at the white ceiling.

The light shined through your sheer curtains, your skin reflected the light, giving your face a gentle shine. Light's hair was shiny despite not having gel in his hair today. His face gave a beautiful shine, his nose was sharp and his jaw was chiseled, he definitely looked handsome in this lighting.

"Light, you're really handsome." You complimented him as you stared tiredly at the boy focussing on his loose papers. "Even if I'm a mass murderer?" He laughed bitterly, his focus didn't waver from his worksheets. "Maybe."

You both bathed in each other's presence, the mood was calm and peaceful, even if the boy next to you was Kira. Your eyelids began to feel heavy, signifying that you were getting sleepy.

"I wish... you would focus on me sometimes." Your eyes shut closed as you muttered something under your breath. Light became shocked, his body sat up straight as he slowly turned his head to look at your body which became exposed from the jacket of your pajamas sliding off your shoulders and your camisole was seen. The jacket also rode up your stomach and your pants were loose on the elastic, showing slightly of the top of your panties.

"What-" He stammered as his hand reached to cover his blushing, red, hot face. "Ugh, (Y/N)..." He sighed, reaching over to your face, and gently caressing your cheek with his index finger. "If you weren't so probing, I might've actually fallen for you." 

His face got closer to yours, his lips grazed your forehead and his hands rubbed the top of your head and feeling the softness of your hair. His fingers found a couple of strands of your hair, rubbing them between his thumb and index fingers.

"I wish you would just become my little puppy." He whispered into your ear.

puppy ☆ light yagamiWhere stories live. Discover now