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"Oh, wow! I look amazing!"
"I think so too."

The customer whose hair was now blonde, ran her fingers through her hair, looking back and forth at the mirror. Recently, Mizuki had taught you how to dye and bleach hair, which you easily picked up.

After she paid at the counter, your phone began to ring. You looked over at Mizuki for permission to pick up, she gave you a nod as you went outside the store before picking up. You had a bad feeling about this.

Light, L, and the rest of the force were executing their plan against Yotsuba and were trying to corner whoever was the supposed perpetrator. You weren't involved much since you had work so often that you weren't able to attend many meetings.

"(Y/N)... We found things crucial to our investigation. Please come to the headquarters as soon as possible."

L's voice spoke briefly before hanging up, leaving you with the sounds of beeping. Your eyes were open wide with shock. Cr-crucial information? 

You stood shocked and nervous, thinking to yourself for a moment outside. 


After a grueling work session where you were restless due to your thoughts running through your mind, you sprinted to the headquarters. You dodged the citizens walking on the streets, hoping to make it quickly before anything bad happened.

You reached the entrance of the tall buildings with the highest levels of security. You stood still, waiting for the systems to do their thing and open the door.

Once the door slid open, you rushed inside with your breath uneven, panting and even coughing. 

"(Y/N)... Perfect timing." L greeted you, his hands held a black notebook with the words 'DEATH NOTE' engraved in white at the top. Your head tilted in confusion as you walked towards the table the men were surrounding.

"Take a look at this." He passed the book into your hands. Holding onto the book sent waves of shock through your spine, you looked above you as you were met with a tall being that was definitely not human. It looked boney and white, with purple hair and yellow eyes.

You shook at the sight of that thing, "A... shini... gami..." You stammered as you looked it in its eyes. You remember this thing called a "shinigami" from the conversations you had with L. 

"That's right. We were just analysing the notes in this book." L retrieved the notebook from your hands and placed it on the table. "Don't worry (Y/N), I was surprised too when I first saw it. You kinda get used to it." Matsuda tried to comfort you.

You looked backward as Light was sat on the furthest computer, his hands moving rapidly as he stared at the bright screen. He didn't even greet you and he didn't seem surprised, instead he seemed determined to do something... do what?

"I..." You let out, you were in shock but you turned your head back to the notebook on the table.

a/n: evil Light is annoying 

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