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a/n: currently 8am and i've been staring at my screen for like ten minutes now

"No L, he's not Kira." You replied with your fingers clenching the pen in your hand. "I've tested it and no master how good his acting skills are, he's done a 180 turn in his personality." You started at the dark circles growing larger under L's eyes.

It seemed the Kira case was stressing L out and he looks as if this is his third day without sleep. "I'm glad I'm not the only one whose noticed it." L's fingers moved to his mouth as he began to suck on his thumb.

L had called you back to the headquarters to hear your opinions on Light, especially since you now lived with him.

"Don't you think it's suspicious that when Light was in confinement, he said 'get rid of it'?" You questioned L with pure curiosity. "Yes, that was when he peculiarly changed."

It seemed this stumped both you and L.

"Misa Amane was noticed to also face this direct change. She was connected to the case due to the suspicion that she was the second Kira." L explained, he began to bite down on his fingernails to ease him of stress.

"Where is she now?" You were doodling again in your notebook. "She's under surveillance, she lives in this building." You missed in acknowledgement and continued in dating random scribbles in the A5 book.

"This is a case like no other, maybe I need the help of your whole family." L pondered out loud which made you chuckle in return. "Anyone in my family would die for a chance to be featured in the headlines with 'Regular Citizen Beats L in Solving Kira Case'." You humoured L's thoughts.

The doors slid open, Light's footsteps echoed throughout the steel building as you slowly turned around to face him, L continued to stare at his computer screen. "Hello Light!" You greeted him with a warm smile before he approached you.

"I thought you'd be here." He spoke softly, he seemed out of breath. Perhaps we ran his way here.

"Liiiiiight!" A shrill voice echoed as rapid footsteps came running down the flight of stairs. You already knew who it was.

You decided to open files that were on the computer situated in drying if you. One file contained potential suspects, the next were Kida's supposed victims, and the next was a document titled 'How Kira Kills ' which was blank.

You closed all tabs except for the victims one as you skimmed through all of Kira's victims. The list went on and on, and it seemed as if there was no end to Kira's merciless killing.

You stumbled upon two men, Ishikawa Hoshi and Tanaka Ray. The police officer that Light- no, Kira killed and a rapist who approached you at an adult nightclub. L noticed you staring at the two men's information, "You were involved in both these cases." He simply stated whilst staring at the screen.

"I was..." Your voice trailed off. You turned the screen off and shut your notebook closed as you suddenly spun the chair around to get your mind off of the Kira case. But you were met with Misa trying to climb Light as he tried to push her off in a respectable manner. She really has no limits.

The pair were constantly shouting but you had taught yourself to ignore them. Until you heard your name in their speech, "Why (Y/N)? Don't you love me too? I thought we had something!" Misa was deeply hurt and stomped her feet around. "Please don't tell me we're going to fight over a man..." You thought to yourself whilst grumpily sighing. You didn't know who was more pathetic: you or Misa.

"Argh- Misa, stop it!" Light called out as Misa finally let go of her tight hold on Light. "I-I thought we had something!" She screamed, her voice was wobbly and shaky before she ran up the stairs and presumably to her room.

"Well, that's one problem out of the way." L calmly spoke but you weren't sure if he was referring to Misa or something in his screen.

Light came up behind your chair as he got on his knees and spun you around. He laid his head onto your legs as he traced the word 'home' on your leg. L didn't care to look over but he knew Light was being strange again.

You both said your farewells to L before leaving the headquarters with an immature, little Light. Walking together hand in hand as the sun began to set.

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