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Stupid Light Yagami! You hate Light Yagami! Weirdly enough, you've never had your first kiss but Light Yagami! He was about to steal it!

Your hands were tightly in fists, your fingernails carving into your palms. You stomped your way to the police station, you were furious. You will bring down Light Yagami, no matter what it takes.

After school, you made your way to the police station to find the last piece of the puzzle piece. The piece being Light Yagami is in fact the infamous serial killer, Kira.

The doors slid open as you stood in the doorway, taking a deep breath from the bottom of your stomach. You tried to keep your cool. 

You walked up to the counter and inquired about Ishikawa Hoshi: "Hello, I wanted to speak to Ishikawa Hoshi. Is he in today?" 
"I-Ishikawa Hoshi?" The two policemen looked at each other in confusion and shock.

"I'm sorry, but he's no longer working here." They then spoke after a moment of thought. Guess that confirms he's dead. "Oh, why? Do you know why?" You then investigated. "I'm sorry Miss, but that information is classified."

You sighed and acted resentful and left the building.

Light Yagami, you are Kira.

As you were about to cross the street, a black limousine pulled up right in front of you. You genuinely thought you were about to be run over. "What the-" You let out a sigh of relief that you were left unscathed.

The window went down as you were met with an old man with white hair. "Hi Miss (L/N), I'm Watari. Please feel free to enter, L would like to speak with you." He introduced himself and was significantly polite, like a butler.

"Wow..." You were surprised but you agreed and entered the vehicle.

"Watari, what does L want to speak to me about?" You questioned whilst the car began to take off. "About the Kira case." He answered distractedly as he was focussed on the road.

"I see." You finished the conversation, looking out the windows and seeing how bright the city looked at night.

You spent the car ride thinking about what was to come: what L wanted to speak to you about, if you could really prove that Light Yagami was Kira, or if maybe he suspected you to be Kira. No... that would be unreasonable.

Anyway, before you knew it, you already reached an insanely tall building and Watari had parked his car in front of the building. He exited the car and opened your door, allowing you to exit following.

The doors slid open just like in the police station and Watari did some weird things with your fingerprints and your eye to allow you access to the building. It took quite some time but you were obedient and silent, a bit nervous.

Once you both entered, you followed slowly behind Watari. Looking around at your surroundings, a weird steel building, the floors and walls were all made of steel. It looked like a mental hospital or what Alcatraz would have looked like if the architects were high.

Looking ahead of you, a variety of policemen were sat at a large table and L was sat on a spinny chair, staring at the multiple monitors. The policemen noticed your presence and quickly stood up, ready to greet you. "Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." You bowed politely. Your flamboyant clothing contrasted with your behaviour.

"L, I will assist you in your investigation." You slowly spoke as the other hadn't even turned around to look at you. "That's good." Was the only thing he said as he switched back and forth between something on the monitors.

"You all can meet later. (Y/N) come here." He called you over as you obediently rushed over, but what you saw on the screens shocked you. Soo... is this the type of kinky thing L is into?

The girl you had stalked earlier, Misa Amane, is tied up against metal, ropes all around her body, accentuating her slim body. "Weird... So this is what you're into L?" You teased him as you sat down in a spinny chair next to him. "No... This is the second Kira." He dodged your personal question and decided to focus on the task at hand.

"Please... I-I don't know anything about Kira." She moaned through her uncomfortable situation. "This is quite weird but please continue L if you believe this is right." You pretended to act intellectually and spun around in your chair. This situation definitely made you a bit uncomfortable but you didn't want to make it obvious.

You listened to L and Misa's exchange and thought about your own opinions. You knew there were two Kiras and Misa was definitely a possible candidate but she didn't intrigue you as much as Light did.

The door went open and heavy footsteps entered the building. "L, please confine me." You didn't turn around but you already knew who it was.

The next moments went by without you acknowledging it. You were stuck in your own thoughts and a bit bored to be frank. With Light being handcuffed and confined, you felt like your little playtoy is gone. You traced the table with random letters and doodles with your finger.

"Miss (L/N), are you okay?" L asked you, there was no sympathy in his voice but you ignored it. "I'm completely fine, just thinking about things." You responded.

What was Light thinking? What was his plan?


"Get rid of it."

"Get rid of it."

"Get rid of it."

His voice echoed in your mind, even though he said it once and quietly. His eyes changed, a sudden pure light shined against his face and he looked side to side in confusion. Something was off about him.

L seemed to become surprised too. Staring at the screen, Light began to panic and beg to be released.

This is so interesting! This is not the Light Yagami I know, Kira's gone. Now I can really play with him.

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