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You weren't able to sleep well last night. One, a man slept on your couch and two, a man now lived in your home. 

Light Yagami, the enemy you once had, is now living in your home. 

Your house was bland, there was a lack of furniture except for what the apartment came with. The house was neat like it hadn't even been bought yet. The home always smelt like Windex and cleaning products. The only thing that had personality in your home was the clothes being hung on the balcony to dry.

You got out of bed and cleaned your face. Today, you had classes so you woke up early. Thoughts were running through your mind, you were nervous and shocked at the thought Light Yagami was living in your home.

You took a deep breath and left the bathroom. Walking down the stairs, you bent over and leaned onto the handrail. You stared at the boy sleeping peacefully on the white and soft couch that you barely sat on. His brown hair was messy and sprawled around the couch, and his clothes were the same as the ones he wore yesterday. A suitcase and a couple of cardboard boxes were neatly placed against the wall.

You wondered if Light had any classes today but you doubted it if he wasn't waking up anytime soon. You sighed and tip-toed across the room, reaching for your school bag, and getting ready to leave. You ripped out a post-it note and a pen to write a note for Light:

Good morning,
I've already left for school
Please feel free to help yourself

You took a moment to think about if the note was appropriate but it seemed too bland, nothing like you. Looking around, a face deathly close to yours stood behind you. You jumped as you held your hands onto the counter and let out a yelp. You snatched the post-it note from the counter and scrunched it in your hands.

"Did I wake you?" You asked him, avoiding eye contact with him. "Not at all." He rubbed his sleepy eyes and walked away from you. "I'm going to go wash my face." He yawned and walked up the stairs.

"Oh- wait! Light, is it okay if you could meet me at Shinjuku Station at around one o'clock?" You requested of him as he paused in his step. "Oh, sure." He simply agreed before staring at you with wide eyes. 

"I'll see you then. Bye!" You said goodbye before rushing out of the house.


"Got my sunnies on! It's time for action!" Ann pushed her sunglasses up her nose bridge and looked around for a sign of (Y/N)'s boyfriend. "Bull's. Eye." She spotted the boy, leaning against a handrail, hands in his pocket and eyes wandering from side to side.

"Time for action. Enjoy the show everyone!" Ann spoke to herself as she walked with confidence toward Light Yagami.

Her outfit was promiscuous. She wore a ripped, oversized sweater, with red and white stripes, a dangerously short black skirt, and ripped fishnet stockings. Large boots and a silver necklace accompanied her outfit. Her brown dyed hair now had blonde highlights, streaking through her hair.

"Waiting for someone?" Her hand was held on her hip, and she rested her weight on one leg, her pose was sexual and enticing. "I'm sorry?" Light questioned her, he had a visible question mark pop up above his head.

"Are you looking for some fun?" Ann got closer to Light, her hand reaching for his arm. He flinched and pulled his arm away. "I'm not, sorry." Panic rose to his face and he tried to shuffle away from her.

"Oh? You have a girlfriend?" Ann teased with her body bent over, her face getting closer to his. "I do... I'm meeting her right now." He looked away from her and his arm scratched behind his neck. "What is she like? Can she beat me though?" Ann smirked, mischief painted her face.

"Well, we've been a bit busy with university and today's our first date... She's a bit shy sometimes and she's definitely kind. She's really pretty too..." He blushed, looking away from the beauty in front of him.

Ann also looked around and caught sight of you and decided to run off. "I see then. Well bye!" She rushed off with a big smile and was in a giddy mood.

"Who was that?" You asked Light, your wooden sandals clacking against the ground. "Huh? I don't really know..." His voice trailed off and he looked you up and down. 

Your outfit was different to how it usually was. Today it was a white flowy dress and a big straw hat with some wooden sandal heels. "Y-you look really pretty today." He stuttered, a rosy blush painting his face and his eyes avoided you.

"Thank you." You held your hands together and smiled, looking down at your feet. 

Ugh! This wasn't like you at all. What would your parents say if they saw you in this state...

Do you attack him? Or should you stay defensive? Should you interrogate him? Put him in a tight room and argue with him? No... He won't fight you back, he's different now. This isn't Kira, this is Light Yagami. It's boring now.

You both walked side to side next to each other, at the same, slow pace. You both looked around at the stores and how the sun shined inside. 

"(Y/N), did you want to go inside?" It seemed that Light realised you had been staring at a makeup store for a while. "Oh, no... It's okay." You were scared to be seen as awkward, and decided to walk past it.

He stood still for a moment before walking swiftly to catch up with you. "Oh, (Y/N)! Let's go into Bic Camera!" Light grabbed your hand so that you wouldn't walk off any further and dragged you into the massive store. You almost tripped over your feet but you followed alongside him.

The store consisted of things relating to technology, video games, supermarket items, basically everything. You looked up at his face, noticing how chiseled his jaw was, his sharp yet kind eyes and how his hair was styled with gel today. His cologne was strong enough for you to smell, it was a pleasant smell.

Did he drag you in here to make you feel more comfortable? His fingers were wrapped around your own, you were afraid your hands were too sweaty from the anxiety you felt rushing through you. 

"I want to go up to the video games section, I'm gonna connect my PS3 to our TV tonight!" Light's eyes glistened as he dragged you up the escalators. "Light- slow down!" You let out before you tripped up the steps and tripped, scraping your leg onto the sharp edges of the escalators.

Before your body slammed into the ground, Light held out his arms and caught you. "Are you okay?!" He dragged you from the top of the stairs and away from the people coming up. "I'm sorry, are you hurt anywhere?" He analysed your body up and down, as your face was tightly against his warm chest. 

"I'm okay." You bluntly said, your entire body heating up. He went down onto one of his knees and took your leg into his hands. "I'm sorry (Y/N)..." He apologised before wiping the dripping blood with the corner of his shirt. 

"It's not your fault... at all." You looked away from the man beneath you as he panicked, trying to treat your scrape.

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