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A chain reaction of events occurred which led to Yotsuba being the perpetrator behind Kira. You didn't know the exact details but Light stayed in the headquarters more often.

It was currently 9 PM, and the clock ticked and ticked. You stared at the mess Light left behind with random cords attached to the TV and his PS3 laid on the ground with two controllers next to it. 

You opened your notebook which you left on the kitchen counter. Inside was evidence you conducted on the difference of Light Yagami before and after confinement, separated by four words: "Get rid of it." This was when his sudden change occurred.

You decided to hide the book in your bedroom, hidden in a drawer below your textbooks and sketchbooks. Light finally had a room for himself which only consisted of a bed and a bedside table. Previously, the room was completely empty.

He spent most of his time in your room or in the living room.

Your phone rang as you ran down the stairs and rushed to pick up the phone. "Hello?" You answered, one hand held onto the phone as the other organised random items Light left on the counter.

"Hello, how have you been (Y/N)?" You heard your mother's voice ring through the phone as you stopped in surprise. "Oh, hello mum." You greeted her with a smile.

"How have you been?" She asked, her voice was monotonous just like L's. She definitely cared about your well-being and you cared about her's too, it was just difficult showing it directly in this family. "I've been okay, I've been working with L on the Kira case for a while now." You informed her, moving to sit on the couch.

"That's great news." You could tell she was excited, she wished she could be in your position but knew it was better if you took part in it. "How are you coping at home?" She questioned you, you heard some shuffling through the phone.

"I'm okay." Was simply all you answered. How could you tell her a man moved in with you, let alone a man suspected of being Kira? "L told me someone moved in with you." She laughed through the phone, it sounded quite evil. 

"Oh... Yeah." You shyly responded as the front door swung open and shut gently. "I'm home!" Light's voice echoed through your ears as you realised your life might be over now. "Was that him?" Your mum questioned through the phone as you sat straight up, your posture had never been so rigid and upright before. "Yes..." You quietly responded as Light looked over at you while taking his jacket off and hanging it up on the coat rack.

"Anyway, I'llseeyounexttime! Bye!" You promptly hung up the phone with a large snap and dropped it onto the couch, forcing a smile at Light. "Welcome back!" You greeted him as your eyes twitched. "Who was that?" 

"Just... no one!" You dodged his question as you stood up and reached for the fridge to retrieve the potato salad you made earlier. "I'll start preparing dinner, you should take a shower." You instructed Light but he ignored your instructions, walking up to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, your back was against his torso.

"What are you hiding from me, huh?" His breath tickled your ear as you shivered, his mouth was close to your ear. His hands traveled down towards your private area and your reflexes kicked in, swatting his hands away as they sat back at your waist. "Have you ever done it with anyone?" He interrogated you, letting out a breathy chuckle into your ear.

"Argh- what? Don't ask weird questions!" You became hot and flustered, you could barely move since you were so shocked and nervous. "Answer the question baby." 

After a moment of silence that felt like forever, you pushed him off from your back as his hold on you gently released. "No! I haven't!" You shut your eyes, your arms pushing Light away from you.

He chuckled before leaving, presumably to take a shower.

This guy... You refuse to lose to him!

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