twenty two

614 19 5

a/n: delta from eminem in the shadow is so hot

You involved Ann in the Kira investigation, explaining how Light Yagami was Kira, Misa Amane was the second Kira, and about the shinigamis. You conspired that Misa Amane was the one to kill the stabber last night since both you and Light were in the living room when you arrived home.

She accepted all of the information you threw at her calmly and generously. She hadn't opened her mouth since you began speaking.

"I will kill Misa Amane." Ann's eyes lit up with fire in her eyes and her fist was up in the air.

Oh, and you also explained how Light was "dating" Misa. "Maybe that's a bit too far." You giggled at her as she smiled sympathetically back at you. The fire in her eyes dulled down a bit as she tried to compose herself.

"Okay! Let's just calm down and do something fun today!" Her attitude changed as she reached for another bite of cake. "We should order some food too!" You agreed with her idea as you took out your phone to call some food delivery service.

The door swung open and shut with the same haste as footsteps shuffled inside. Ann instantly turned to meet your eyes, a bit shocked and afraid. You waited for the man to come into your eyesight as he entered the home with his usual wit and tranquil posture.

"Oh, I'm home." Light greeted you as he realised both you and Ann were at home. She suddenly became uncomfortable, realising that he was the boy that she flirted with in Shinjuku, she just hoped he didn't recognise her. "Welcome back." You greeted him in response while you turned the TV volume down.

"This is my friend from high school, Ann." You pointed at the girl next to you whose hair was a light brown, with her hair outgrown and her black roots were showing through. "Hi!" She smiled with a friendly look to Light, giving a small wave. "Hello." He reflected her actions towards her.

He took his jacket off and hung it up on the coat hanger before making his way and sitting down on the floor in front of you two. "We were about to order some food, do you want some pizza?" You asked him as your foot kicked Light's back lightly.

"Sure, I don't mind." He agreed, his back still turned to you as he took his books out of his bag. "So, how'd you guys meet?" He inquired, still focussed on removing the items his bag. 

"Oh! We went to high school in Osaka and we met when (Y/N) tried to kill my boyfriend!" An begun which made Light cackle, "Wait... what?" 

You rolled your eyes in embarrassment from the story. "Yeah! She said it was out of defense but I don't think tripping someone for fun is self-defense." She continued, her tone teasing you.

"He was looking at me funny and he kept threatening to throw a basketball in my face, so I tripped him whilst he was running." You recalled the scenario. Ann's ex-boyfriend was a basketball player who wished to make it big time, but you really hated him. In one of the school's basketball games, you stuck your leg out as far as you could so that he'd trip.

"So then, I confronted her for hurting my boyfriend and she said it was out of self-defense. Then I told her to meet me after school and she did." Ann explained whilst you entered the phone number to the pizza place nearby and stood by the kitchen counter to ring them.

"Then she fought me! She punched me in the face and I slapped her but she dodged me. You know how scared I was at that moment? She then tried to kick me but I started running away. Then my maths teacher came out and told us off." Ann laughed at how ridiculous she started sounding, but Light laughed louder. His face creased and he fell backward as his laugh erupted with laughter.

"Then we had to do some reconciliation-type thing where we were forced to be friends, and it's been like that ever since." She smiled at the fond memory, finishing her slice of cake before piling them up and picking them up with clinks and clanks.

"That's hilarious!" Light couldn't keep his mouth closed and continued to laugh loudly and deeply. You laughed as well at the sight of him enjoying himself so much. 

You finished the phone call as you sat down once again on the couch. 

"(Y/N), you were so evil! And to think, the first thing you did was- was to kick her?" He could barely speak through the laughter. You looked away with your cheeks pink, "Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking."

"Oh, the little (Y/N) whose family is so prestigious... You were a troublemaker, weren't you?" His evil look returned, his face came closer to yours and his smirk was devious. He spoke quietly, so that Ann who was at the sink, couldn't hear.

You pushed his face away with your index finger like he was some sort of nasty beast and you were afraid of touching him. He scoffed, staring deep into your eyes before turning back to his work.

"Ann, do you go to university?" Light asked Ann as she dried her hands with a towel and returned. "Nope, but I work at a nightclub right now." She answered, as her eyes were glued to the TV screen.

There was a romcom TV show playing which Ann enjoyed watching, it was one of her favourite series.

The three of you enjoyed your time together, eating pizza and watching TV. It was definitely a wholesome moment... if Ryuk wasn't staring deeply into the back of your head.

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