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a/n: guys! i bought this sleeveless puffer jacket from kmart (is actually everlast doe) and is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATION EVER... omg i love it so much, i love puffer jackets so guess what y/n gonna wear next time we see her C:<

Hmm, you decided to get a part-time job. It could definitely help with solidifying an alibi if you ever needed one and you also needed to fill your empty pockets. You also decided it'd be right to get one now due to the stalker following you.

You first sensed it when turning a corner and skipping away, but footsteps rushed after you. You weren't sure who it was, maybe your parents sent a secret spy to see if you were being a perfect prodigy as they desired.

Whatever, you can pretend to be perfect for the day.

You dashed into the city, definitely not Kabukicho again, but to Shinjuku. It was busy and bustling with fashionable women and charming men, perfect for a little girl like you. It was also so busy that you could easily lose that stalker.

You thought about what type of job you should apply for, maybe in a bakery, a clothing store, or a 7/11, there are just so many options! You decided it'd be best to go in a line and just inquire if they were hiring and decide which job was easiest.

You didn't really care who was watching you anymore, you weren't doing anything suspicious.

Appearing at the first 7/11, you entered and queued in line. Once it was your turn, you inquired whether or not they were hiring to be returned with a: "I'm not really sure, the manager's not here today." That teenager was unsure and looked ridiculously bored, definitely did not care about the well-being of this store.

Next shop then. A punk clothing store that piqued your interest. These clothes were definitely super cute but if your parents knew about your interests, your Tokyo life would be over. You went to ask if they were hiring but the older lady ignored you and sent you shade. Whatever...

The shop across the road was a jewellery store, then a cafe, then a Starbucks... looks like you really can't find a job around here. You had no idea where the stalker was now but you shook it off, they're probably hiding in the shadows.

You walked down the streets further until you reached an odd part of the city. The place looked dingey, rough and a place where crime was abundant. You ignored the large contrast between the colourful city of Shinjuku and this dodgy area. 

There were homeless people lying around on the ground, hopeless eyes with bodies laid out like they were deceased. There were young teenagers dressed in punk clothing and roaming around in numbers and people that genuinely looked lost in where they stumbled upon this weird place.

A hair salon that looked quite atrocious caught your eye. It was a typical family-run salon which had super old pictures of random haircuts plastered all over the walls. There were only two people working, an older woman and a younger woman - probably mother and daughter.

You entered, they were probably excited about a customer but instead, you asked if they were hiring. The pair turned to look at each other before their smiles shined into your eyes. Their teeth were anything but pretty but they held such an innocence, their hair was stylish but their clothing could be passed off as pajamas. They were a pair of oddballs who blended in with their environment.

"Of course! You don't even have to ask twice. Just write your name here and your phone number too. Oh! Is it okay if you could start tomorrow? She has a date tomorrow, I was so worried that I would be running this shop alone but I'm so glad you popped up!" The older lady pointed at her daughter who seems flustered. "My name is Mizuki Tanaka and my daughter is Yuno Tanaka." She introduced themselves as she rushed for a pen and paper for you to write on.

You felt as if you didn't really belong, with your flashy and flamboyant clothing but you ignored it. You can probably wear your pajamas to work now anyway.

You wrote your full name and phone number onto the piece of paper. The ink seemed like it was used so much that it barely produced any ink, it took a couple of scribbles until you could properly finish writing.

"(Y/N)... (L/N)..." Mizuki read out as she flashed you a smile. "Thank you! We'll see you here tomorrow! Just come by around 4!" They waved you off as you left the store with a respectful bow and farewell. 

Well, now you finally have a job but the environment was quiet... terrifying. It was maybe six in the PM, and the sun was already setting, giving the area an eerie glow.

You were so satisfied by achieving to get a job that you almost forgot about that stubborn stalker. Maybe they had already gotten the information they needed and left you alone. 

To test your theory, you decided to walk around the area, making notes of any footsteps you couldn't see. You reached an area with a fountain, a small park... perfect.

You fumbled around in your pockets, looking for your phone, and "clumsily" pushed your keys outside your pockets as they fell somewhere onto the dirt ground. As you snatched your phone from your pocket, you walked around the park, taking pictures of the scenery and how the sunset shined its pink and purple hues onto the little park.

"That's really pretty," you smiled at your phone, taking a look at all the pictures you took. You put your phone back into your pocket and decided it was time to go home. As your hand fumbled around in your pocket, you went into shock that you had really lost your home keys!

Oh no! How could you have done such a thing? Just kidding, this was your plan all along. With the help of your amazing acting skills, you ran around the park in absolute fright, peeking into the nooks and crannies, behind walls and corners. This stalker had no chance of hiding now.

A figure, in the exact same clothes that you saw him in earlier, was walking away briskly from the scene. Light Yagami. You knew it was him.

You reached the point where you had dropped your keys and picked them back up with ease. You had all the information you needed today.

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