twenty five

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a/n: i'm watching monster rn and i'm SO mad so i hope this chapter dun come off the wrong way (also i finished dis book in 3 days :D yay me!)

"(Y/N)?" Light waved his large hand in front of your face as you jumped back in surprise. "O-oh, what?" You whispered in surprise, turning to look at him. 

Both of you were in class once again. After Light's long absence, he had to take many make-up classes which he slept through all of them. Strangely, he's probably doing better than you academics-wise despite you having 90% attendance. 

"Look at this photo of us!" He grinned calmly, shoving his phone into your face which had an image of you and Light with a cat filter over your faces. You held up the peace sign as Light showed a gentle smile. "Now's not the time!" You pushed the phone down so that you could continue taking down notes. 

He rolled his eyes at you and crossed his arms, turning to face the window.


Both of you walked out of class, side by side, but Light was a bit distant to you. He faced the skies, the trees, other couples, to anything but you. 

"Um... Light?" You looked up at him as his face was straight and he seemed annoyed. "What?" He bluntly responded, still avoiding eye contact with you.

"What happened?" You urged him, his face turned to you with a pout. "Nothing." He sulked like a child. What's up with this guy? "Something happened. Now what happened?" You pushed it out of him, stopping in his step, he turned to you and sighed.

"You weren't paying attention to me." He sighed with his arms crossed. "What?" You were taken aback, confused and surprised. "Ah! But we were in class!" You tried to justify your actions as Light looked down at his feet with sadness. "You'd rather class over me?"

"Of course not... It's just... it's a bit embarrassing to act like that in front of other people." You told him nicely, looking around to avoid his eye contact. He huffed like a child as he decided to walk off without you. "H-hey, wait up!" You chased after him.

He turned the corner sharply and briskly, heading into your home. He shoved the key into the keyhole, missing a couple of times before successfully turning the key and opening the door. 

"Light! Just slow down and tell me what happened." You sighed in frustration, following his brash actions. "You just don't get it, do you?" He ripped off his coat and threw it onto the coat rack. "I want all of your attention." He threw himself onto the cough, hands crossed once again and he stared at the garden outside.

You stammered at his sudden outburst, unsure of how to act. This guy is jealous? 

He held his hands out openly, inviting you to crawl into them. You slowly approached him, falling into his warm embrace. You smiled in his embrace, his arms wrapped around your waist and held you, sitting above his lap, and your arms wrapped around his neck.

"You're such a baby." You teased him and laid your head on his shoulder. "No I'm not." Light disagreed with a pout on his face, you giggled at his action and used your finger to poke his cheek.

"You've changed a lot (Y/N)," his hands caressed your back, moving them up and down. It was ticklish but you withstood the feeling. "How so?"

"Well, your fashion sense has definitely changed, you seemed to have matured too. You're still just as beautiful though." He looked at you like he was analysing an animal. "You've changed too." You hid your face in his chest in embarrassment. 

"Really? I feel just the same." He let out a breathy chuckle and moved to kiss your neck. You flinched at the feeling and pushed him a bit further away from you. The intimacy made you shy.

His hands roamed to your bottom as he gripped you tightly. "L-Light?" You grabbed his hands and moved them back to your waist to escape the uncomfortable situation. "You're so cute (Y/N)." He smirked at you, turning his head at an angle. "I just wanna tie you up and make sure you're mine forever." He whispered into your ear with arousal in his voice. 

"Wh-what?!" You blushed at his silly business and tried to escape his grip on you. "You can't run away again. You already ran away the first time, don't you remember?" Ugh, this guy just wanted to tease you!

"Nothing to say?" He snickered at you before pulling you closer to him as his lips met yours. They were soft and warm, slightly wet from his saliva. He seemed experienced and licked at your lips as a request to open them. You shook your head and shrieked at his action. 

He held the back of your head tightly, forbidding you from exiting. "Ah!" You escaped his grip and yelled out. "Light!" You smacked his shoulder, "That's inappropriate." You huffed at him with a grumpy expression.

"This is the second time you've rejected me." He sighed, moving his hand to support his chin. "You really don't like me." He had a petulant expression, and you held his hands with your hands. "It's not that, silly. I just... get a bit shy... You know it's my first time!" You held his hands together like he was handcuffed.

He chuckled before saying a simple: "I know." You rolled your eyes at him before he pulled you in, laying his head into the crook of your neck. 

"I wish I could go back in time... and erase everything." He sighed regretfully with a tinge of melancholy in his voice. "I... I hope one day, you can forgive me." He kissed one of your hands with his eyes facing downwards. 

You went silent and your hands steadily released his hands from your grip as they lie limply by your sides. "Yeah..." You plainly agreed with nothing else to say.

"Sorry." Light smiled bitterly and apologised, his hand cupped your cheek and looked at you like a piece of glass and he was the hammer. He was so afraid to hurt you again.

"You know, I don't mind if you owned me like a dog." You spoke with a hint of tease. "What?" Light looked at you in deep confusion from your sudden speech. "Oh... nothing." You sweetly beamed at him.

This was the beginning of your new romance with Light Yagami.

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