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a/n: idk if dis is just me but i'm obsessed with IQ tests XD but is currently midnight and I'm getting a headache so I can't get an accurate result right now, but I'll try tomorrow :3 i feel like C-Kira, we call him matty b raps

"Hey Watari! Who does L suspect of being Kira the most?" You phoned the number L had given to you the other day as you walked swiftly to work.

"Light Yagami." He responded respectfully and calmly. "Thank you, see you soon!" You then suddenly hung up the phone by snapping the phone lid down. You already knew the answer but just wanted a confirmation to act.

Today, you had a plan, a mischievous plan that was quite evil.

You acknowledged the environment your workplace was situated in, and decided to take advantage of it. 

For the past week you had been working, every day at around eight o'clock, a middle-aged policeman would sit outside the hair salon on a bench and eat a store-bought sandwich. You suppose he was on surveillance, making sure there was no trouble arising in the suspicious area.

You also realised that after work, a couple of burglars would watch you closely, shutting down the shutters and connecting the locks together.  

Today, you knew that Mizuki and Yuno were heading home early due to a family dinner so they put you in charge on closing the shop. They allowed you to close earlier but you decided to close at thirty past seven in the PM.

As your last customer left the shop, you decided it was time to close the shop. Recently, you had instructed Mizuki and Yuno to hide money under a tile after Mizuki had tripped on it when working. You grabbed all the money in the register before moving the tile over, and inserting it into the bottom of the tile. Then you moved a waiting couch over the top of it.

Now it was time to pull the shutters down in front of the shop. You grabbed a metal stick and pulled the shutters down and connected the locks at the bottom, but the locks were loose due to some changes you had made earlier. Just three pulls and the lock will fly off.

You could feel many eyes on you which was perfect for your plan. 

The store across the street was a bar which you "decided" to enter, showing your fake ID once again, you entered and sat at a window seat. You opened the drink menu but had no idea what any of it meant so you just ordered something random. 

Now it was time to watch the action. Taking a sip of the bitter drink that arrived, you gagged at the taste. 

A man, clothes tattered and dirty, stood in front of the hair salon, hesitating. You grabbed your phone and flicked through the photos to allow yourself not to become suspicious.

Time passed by slowly as you felt your heartbeat begin to quicken. You stirred your drink with the straw as the ice clinked against the glass. 

His hand reached for the locks, bending his whole body over lazily. His slouch was quite noticeable. The man yanked at the lock once. Then twice. Then it flung straight off, flying off into somewhere in the street, demolished and no longer noticeable. 

In his adrenaline-filled mind, he pushed the shutters up with an intense speed, then began pushing on the glass door. You made sure to cause a fault in the door locks so it flung straight open with a small crack noise. 

Behind you was an uproar. People began exiting their seats and rushing to the window or even outside to see the commotion. They were screaming and yelling for their lives like their lives were in danger.

You also rushed out, "That- that's where I work! We have to stop him!" You panicked, sprinting across the road to stand outside the salon. Your hands began to shake and your legs felt like jelly. "Please! Stop!" You yelled at the robber as his head flung to face you, an evil and gross grin painting on his face.

"How brave of you." He threw himself at you as he put your smaller neck into a chokehold, his large and dirty arm was near your face and you could smell the stench on this man. Gross.

The policeman seemed to just finish his shift as you caught him walking down the street with a pep in his stride. You looked over at the clock in the store and checked the time and it was eight o'clock perfectly.

"Help!" You screamed out as his hold on your neck tightened. He knew he was busted and wanted to take you down with him but you weren't going to allow that. The policeman rushed over, almost tripping in the process, and held his gun out at the robber and basically, at you too.

"D-don't shoot me please! I don't even know if you're a real cop or not, just don't shoot! I'm too young to die!" You screamed as your hands went up in fear. Tears began to stream down your face, however, you squinted your eyes to make sure you could still see the cop.

"Don't worry Miss! I've got this under control. If you don't trust me, here." He rummaged in his pockets before pulling out his cop ID, it read "Ishikawa Hoshi." Perfect. "I trust you." You spoke defeatedly before the cop shot the burglar in the foot, his hold on you loosening.

You fell to your knees before scrambling to run away, far from the burglar, and into a dark alleyway. You rushed for your phone in your pocket and zoomed in on the policeman, snapping a picture of him. An evil grin, so scary and devious was growing on your face, if anyone saw it, they'd bring you to do an exorcism.

You ran from the scene and ran back home. Phew, you just wanted to get home and get rid of that disgusting man's stench and to message Light Yagami.


You were situated in the bathtub, bubbles glazed over the top of the clear water. Your hair was wet and dripped back into the tub. You reached for your phone which was on the mini chair next to the tub.

You opened your email app and created an email for Light Yagami.

Topic: I was attacked today
Good evening Yagami,
I apologise for emailing so late but I'm just so shaken. I finished my shift at the salon today and then before I knew it, a burglar was robbing the store. He took me hostage but a kind policeman came and rescued me. He whispered to me that he thinks the burglar will die from Kira and to watch out for the news. He also said that if I knew anything about Kira, I should come and find him at the police station. He said to look for the name "Ishikawa Hoshi". Anyway, I'm going to head to sleep now. Goodnight Yagami. Oh, I also snapped a picture of the scene:

You let out a giggle as it echoed throughout the narrow bathroom. This just couldn't get any better!

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