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a/n: the memes on pinterest KILL me LMAO i wish i could add videos on wattpad, is so funny

As Misa and Light left with Mr Yagami, L decided to create a new plan. L didn't explicitly tell you his plan at the moment, but you already knew what the outcome would be.

Light Yagami is no longer Kira. You heard through the speaker, Misa and Light's pleads to avoid death. You crossed your arms and stood near the wall of the massive building. You closed your eyes to think and avoid the genuine screams coming through the speaker.

Hmm... This won't be fun anymore. Light Yagami no longer has that evil flame in his eyes, what's the point in dominating a guy like him? He's so boring...

"Miss (L/N), you can head home now if you'd like." L turned and instructed you. You nodded in acknowledgment and bowed finally before leaving the building. 

With a large sigh, you shoved your hands into the pockets of your jacket and walked home, staring up at the tall buildings.


You lied on your bed, your stomach against the covers and your feet up in the air. L decided to put security cameras in your home which gave you discomfort but you understood why he did it.

You lived alone in an apartment, just a five-minute walk from school. The apartment was clean and beautiful since on your days off, you spent cleaning and you didn't spend a lot of time at home to be able to make a mess. You were a bit of a neat freak, a maid to your home.

Your parents paid for the rent every fortnight which was kind of them. You loved your parents, and your parents loved you. They just weren't good at expressing it, you supposed it's just a trait of smart people.

You scrolled through pictures on your phone, and many of them were random selfies. There were a ton of images from the night you met with Ann. There were pictures of people doing backflips, evidence of underage drinking, and selfies with you and a drunk Ann.

You decided to mail Ann, thinking of a plan to solidify the thought that Light Yagami is not Kira.

Topic: I need your help.
Hey Ann! ('・ω・') I need your help with something, please call me as soon as you read this!

You pressed send as you closed your phone. Rolling over so that you laid on your back, hugging a plushie, your phone immediately rang right next to your ear.

"Hey, what's up (Y/N)!" Ann greeted you, her bubbly voice rang into your ears. By the sound of the background, you could tell she was in a nightclub.

"Hey Ann, I just would like you to do an investigation for me." You began, "Tomorrow, I will go on a date with my boyfriend. But recently, I've been suspicious of his actions. I'd like you to test him." You arranged.

"A-a boyfriend?! You never told me! What's he like? What would you like me to do?" She sounded super surprised as she walked out of the nightclub, the sound of background chatter disappearing.

"Well, he's really charming and he's too smart for his own good." You smiled to yourself, "Can you meet him in Shinjuku, next to Shinjuku Station? At around twelve in the afternoon?" You spoke, drawing out a map with your fingers onto the sheets.

"Yes! I was planning to do some shopping anyway, what does he look like?"
"Well, he's maybe around one-eighty centimeters tall, he has quite messy light brown hair and he'll be in casual clothing that's quite normal."
"Huuuh... That doesn't sound like the type of guy you'd go for at all."
"You really think so?"

For some reason it made you feel a bit discouraged. Maybe a girl like Misa was more suited for him after all. 

"Soooo, all you want me to do is flirt with him and see what he says?" She asked as you could hear some boys calling for Ann. "Yeah, in a moment!" She yelled while removing the phone from her ear but you could still hear her yell through the phone. "Yes please." You requested her.

"Sure, easy peasy! Oh but (Y/N), are you feeling okay? You sound a bit... down." She made sure you were okay before you both bid your farewells.

You put the phone down and sighed, "What am I doing with my life..." 

You thought about what your life has come to until the phone rang once again. You thought that it would have been Ann again but when you picked up the phone, a familiar deep voice was heard. 

"Hello (Y/N), sorry to call you so late at night. Are you busy right now?" His charming voice rang through the phone. His voice made your heart skip a beat and you felt your breath get stuck in your throat.

"I'm not busy at all. What did you want to speak about?" You inquired.
"L wanted to handcuff me for surveillance, unfortunately, he still doesn't trust me. I disagreed with his idea and the only other option he offered me was to live with you..."
"Huh?" Your words were stuck in your throat and you were so starstruck.

"L-live with me?" You were confused as to why L suggested that idea. Did L know that you were clear due to the surveillance in your home? "If L suggests it, then I can't argue with him." You spoke softly, you weren't sure if it was because you were tired or if you had really fallen for the one and only, Light Yagami.

"Then... I will be over soon." You could hear him speak through his smile and you felt your heart skip a beat. "See you soon..."

When you hung up the phone, you realised that Yuno had emailed you.

Topic: Work!
Hello (Y/N), I just wanted to inform you that we will be working once again! Please come in this Friday at 4PM! See you then! 
XX Yuno

Friday? That was tomorrow. 

You had so many emails in your inbox and a lot more contacts ever since you started university. You definitely felt popular again. Ever since Ann and the rest of your friends had left high school, you were left alone and forced to focus on becoming the best.

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