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The sound of a gunshot was the only thing that echoed in the serene woods before a frail figure fell on the ground with a thud.

Clutching her stomach she let out a strangled breath but winced in pain as she did so.

''NO V-VALENTINA''a strong bewildered voice echoed in the forest.

The old man limped towards her leaving the large figure standing behind still in shock, he was still not able to comprehend anything, His mind was blank, There was a turmoil going on in his heart, his body was frozen, adrenaline was rushing through his brain, his mind was screaming at him to take any action but it was as if his body had turned stone cold, he was not able to move from his position at all.

Who knew, the day, which according to him was going to be the best day of his life would turn out to be his biggest nightmare.

He now understood the importance of time, in such a deep manner and the biggest regret he had was that he can't even repent for his mistakes

He was playing hide n seek with his own emotions, unaware of what his fate was.

But now everything was slipping out of hands.

He wanted to tell her how much he loved her.


Love is like an hourglass with the heart filling up and the brain getting empty.

How happy he was when his mind was in his control but today when he finally gave in to his heart, his fate, his god, his heart as always just fucked him up.


Why did this happen to him, he was always a devoted king taking care of his kingdom, and he always worked for other people's happiness, then why was god snatching away his only source of happiness now?

Was he so bad?

Was the struggle he did all his life not enough, that God gave him this punishment too.

All these thoughts were rushing into his mind at the speed of light.

The emotionless king was feeling numerous emotions for the first time.

It was so hectic.

How could she bear with all these emotions and still slay in everything so well?

He came out of his turmoil of emotions when he heard the helpless voice of his minister.

''Sire, she is losing her consciousness and has already lost a lot of blood, we have to hurry before the situation gets out of control, soldiers !!! call the surgeon now!''

The giant man who was standing still all this moment nodded his head, he was not in his mind! He was not able to focus so with trembling hands, he picked the young woman up who was turning pale, and rushed to the castle at his supernatural speed.

The doctor by that time had also arrived.

The whole castle was in chaos, the second in command had already given the order to his special army of 50 soldiers to chase after the culprit who had tried to kill the queen. He had already given the command to the people present in the castle to not leak any information to the people of the kingdom.

On the other hand, the king laid his queen on the bed, she had already lost so much blood.

All because of his carelessness.

His heart was pounding so hard in his chest.

He was about to move away from her and shout at the servants to hurry the fuck up.

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