The devil and the strange power

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Author's pov~

''Let's continue from where we left off ? shall we?''his husky voice overflowing with lust and need cut throgh the eerie silence of the night.,making her heart bounce up to her mouth.

His demeanour was doing everything to scare her ,her limbs froze and her blood ran cold.

Adrenaline rushed through her body and all she was able to do ,was to give a desperate shake of her head,with her eyes shimmering with tears.

Her throat got heavy with all the fear and in anticipation of what's going to happen now ,and she barely managed to speak,''p-please no ,l-leave m-''

Her desperate plea was cut in the miidle by his lips consuming hers in a wanton need ,making her close her eyes tightly in irritation ,fear and helplessness.

It seemed like he was obsessed with her lips ,but what did she ever do to deserve this?

What attracted his attention towards her ,she was confident in the way she dressed herself, covered from head to toe, she was dressed modestly ,then why ot of all the girls ,he came behind her only?

Or maybe ,this modesty culture is indeed toxic

All what men see is a girl , they don't care about clothing , girl dressed modestly is taken as weak ,and the scatily clad one is taken as a harlot ,they just don't have the word called 'respect'installed in them.

Her lips had started to hurt now.

She placed her hands on his chest and then clutched his body mass in her hand ,trying to give him scratches ,so that he would get hurt.

But it was as if he was a masochist , he simply groaned in her mouth and put his complete body weight over her and applied more pressure in the kiss ,making her whimper in his mouth.

The simple act of hers ,made shiver run up his spine,

He broke the kiss and looked at her face which was looking totally flushed,

He could feel their heart beating together in a rhythm.

Her lips looked red , blood red,and his pants tightened painfully .

Her lips looked so beautiful and perfect in shape ,this was her best feature ,other than her intense black eyes.

The images of helips wrapped around his shaft crossed his mind and he groaned at the feeling of it.

He would make her swalllow all of him ,without letting a single drop get wasted.

She was his now.

The possession surged in his chest.

He knew he was the first man to touch her like this ,and he was the first man who was going to make her feel like a woman.

And he was sure she was going to love every inch of the steamy nights he was going to have with her.

He had planned to just get a taste of her and comeback ,but now ,with her looking so defenceless under him ,made the beast inside him ,growl in pure wanton need.

He was so going to corrupt this innocent living thing.

He was going to be her god ,whom she would worship ,he was going to take her to heaven ,with his resonance.

And he was all too ready for that.

He had come too far now.

She was his mate and he had the right over her.

The need of taking one more sinful step raged inside him,and his hands moved from her waist and travelled slowly towards her bossoms.

He cupped one of them,making her shriek and her hands shot up towards his large ones and she tried to pry it off her.

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