Spawn in the hands of time

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                                    But truth when it's being lived,is less glamourous than our imaginings 

                                                   -chitra bannerjee devakurni


Valentina's pov ~

Hot! I feel like the temperature of my body is rising ,the blood flowing through my veins waring up ,making me arch up from the ground i'm laying on ,due to the restlessness slowly creeping up my spine ,I shake my hands ,placing them on the ground ,trying to get up ,get rid of this pain ,but it's like i'm glued onto the ground ,the small ,sharp stones poking me in my back ,while the level of heat continues to increase to a point where tears of desperation leave my eyes 

I can't breathe ,my eyes closed due to the immense pain ,my body's defense mechanism slowly trying to lull me back to oblivion ,it's like  my body has no strength ,my lips as chapped as a land suffering from drought.

Then the pain amplifies tenfold ,the heat rising upto the level where i think i'm burning my surroundings with it ,

It's like i have no control on my body ,i can't open my eyes ,can't scream ,can't ask for help ,I pray in my mind for the help to come to me .

Where am I ? Am i dead? What just happened?

All of a sudden ,i hear a huge screech and sound coming from the back of my head ,and the fire surrounding me ,moving like a tornado ,

I hear the flapping of wings ,but the flapping ain't normal ,the to and fro movement of the wings is leading the direction of the fire ,and i feel like slowly i'm being lifted off the ground.

While i'm still trying to figure this situation out ,everything quiets down ,The pain subsides down ,and the burn in my eye has lessened to almost a negligible level ,making me open my eyes

The view in front of me ,successfully left me gasping for breath ,i turn my head and look up ,

Around me ,is a fire ,no longer able to burn me ,it's shape ...

A phoenix

I close my eyes ,heaving a deep breath,

will i have to live like this for the rest of my life?

My dreams governing me ,and me having no control over anything that's happening around me .

Soon the phoenix who has surrounded me starts to flap it's wings ,taking me in the direction of forest ..

From the height ,i see a circle ,bright and shining ,in the middle of the forest ,the phoenix goes down in the direction of that circle , 

after successfully making me step in that giant mysterious magnificent circle ,the phoenix and the fire seep inside of me,

My eyes widen seeing the huge ocean of fire  seeping in my skin ,

What sorcery is this?

I was barely able to register when i heard a voice

''finally you came''

making me immediately turn around ,looking for the source of the voice ,but there was no one ,making me furrow my eyebrows

''i can't be seen ,queen ,not unless you have gained your memories and powers back ''

''But w-who are you ? and ....why am i here ? Is this a dream?I want answers ,all of them ,i didn't wish for any of this ,why could i just not live a normal life? Why must I have to go through all of this ? I don't want these powers ,i don't want any of this , I'm just so fed up ,it's all happening against my wish ,since the day ,i've stepped in this world ,everything's going wrong with me ,I never wished to meet him ,this is all so exhausting ,so frustrating ,so hard to believe ,I'm not even given apt time to register all of this ,there's this one man ,who's said to be my mate ,i could barely register all of that , I was told that my mom's a vampire witch ,who could do magic ,and my father is a cheating human ,which also means that i'm not a complete human ,and that's not all ,there's this girl ,or spirit or I dont know what ,who comes to me ,teleports me to places,tells me that she was a witch and her lover or maybe villain elijah ,had a huge fight ,but among the fight there was a third person ,a conspirer ,who made all that fight happen ,and now i'm a reincarnation of her ,and ambroz is incarnation of elijah the asshole ,and the villain is also here ,we have to find him ,gain control over our powers,sync them ,and unite to find the traitor ,and then ...then what? I don't know anymore , I'm literally having an existential crisis here ,and that king who is so called mate of mine ,who also proposed me to lent him my body ,because we are mates , is very normal about all this ,this is all so doubtful ,so annoying ,i just want to escape all this dilemma ,  i dont wish for anything ,i dont want anything except my old life back ,please do something ,stop playing these games with me ,It's like my body is not mine anymore?''i heard myself say ,

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