These royals are awful!

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Author's pov

Valentina was tired after shifting all the important necessities in ambroz's room, and was drenched in sweat , she had arranged for a single bed with the help of ambroz's guards ,who had gladly helped her ,he was a man in his twenties ,the boyish looks with dimples on both cheeks ,brown soft hair and brown eyes with a mole on his nose ,a total dreamboy with a boxy smile , not to mention ,valentina was extremely intrigued by him ,his soft aura was like a soothing feather for valentina's anxiety ,he somehow made her feel less lonely and made her feel comfortable ,

She had shifted that single bed at one corner away from the king's bed ,near the window ,

She took her clothes and went to get freshen up ,the weather was windy ,with the moon on her head ,after getting dressed she came out and decided to admire the moon ,as sleep was far away from her eyes.

She went and sat near the bonfire and braided her hairs while letting the soothing air caress her skin ,she loved the silence and the beauty of nights as special as this .

Almost one hour had passes and she was still sitting outside ,only some soldiers at some distance could be seen guiding the royals's tent ,when she heard a scream ,and a thud .

She furrowed her eyebrows and seized all her movements and tried to focus on the voice .

Soon she heard a crying sound ,which worried her as it was coming from zachary's tent.

After pondering for a few minutes,she decided to take a look ,

With hesitant steps ,she walked to his tent and peeped in from the cloth of tent .

And the view widened her eyes .

Minister zachary was holding chris's mother roughly by her waist ,while her face was tear stained with eyes boodshot ,she looked pained and helpless ,his other hand was clutching her hairs roughly pulling it ,making her face the ceiling ,tears were continuously pouring out of her eyes ,while zachary had his head in her crook ,continuously biting it ,with what clearly seemed like an intent to hurt her.

He faced her and looked right in her bloodshot eyes and said ,''whenever that bastard would do any mistake ,i would double your pain ,this is what you both deserve '' which earned a sob from her .

The next moment he came close to her and bit her on her cheek .

Valentina was horrified to see this and couldn't tolerate it anymore ,she ran back to ambroz's room and started to pant heavily ,

Her heart was beating rapidly ,

it took her a whole minute to calm down ,she soon felt thirsty ,and scanned the room to look for water ,when her eyes stopped on the frame standing close to her bed looking at the moon ,

Sensing her gaze on him ,he decided to speak ,''what took you so long?''

Huh?'' She said in confusion ..

Turning around he scanned her appearence and looking at the freshness on her face he knew she had taken bath ,she smelled nice ,

He spoke,'''You know the rules right? Getting up before me ,,and for that you need to sleep early ,you sleeping late may lead to delay in my day to day activities ,so i think i have the right to ask you the reason for you being up so late at night?''

Valentina lowered her eyes and wrote on her notepad ,''Yeah, i-it's just that i w-was not f-feeling sleepy''she wanted to continue but stopped seeing ambroz coming close to her .

Lowering her eyes she maintained a distance between them and tried to stay as indifferent as she could not let her awkwardness come on the surface

she waited for him to speak something .

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