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Author's pov~

The sound of only spoons clattering on the plates could be heard in the large dining hall ,where all the royals were having breakfast along with valentina ,since she had to comply with his orders ,chris was also sitting adjacent to her ,eating as if he has been hungry since ages ,

Ambroz had his usual blank face on ,and was concentrating on food only ,whereas rose,chris's mother was standing adjacent to zachary's seat ,with her whole attention on chris ,fear still evident in her eyes ,it could easily be interpreted that she was praying everything to go well ,and praying for chris to not get on zachary's nerves.

Soon people started to empty the chairs after getting done with their food ,aurora had not joined them for the dinner ,since she was not feeling well ,

Valentina was having small bites of food ,as she was not hungry at all ,her whole attention was on zachary's movements ,rose's uneasiness and chris's nonchalance ,she at any cost wanted to keep rose away from zachary .

Soon Ambroz got up from his chair making her head snap in his direction,he signalled with his head to follow him ,she gulped and looked at chris who was now drinking water ,soon he  burped loudly making valentina internally facepalm herself ,ambroz had left the hall and she knew he had called her ,but she thought of taking chris along with her ,and put him to sleep ,

Her gaze slowly went up and met rose's who now was standing with panic written all over her face ,then her gaze went to zachary's who was glaring daggers at chris ,

Disgust filled her ,how can he not identify his own son and hate a kid to such extent ,

Trying to ease the tension between them ,she took chris along with her and put him on his bed and then quickly went to her tent ,her shared tent.

Before she could enter the tent ,a guard stopped her and asked her to sit by the fire as the king had just gone somewhere nearby to deal with the issue and has asked her to not enter in.

The new information felt weird to her  ears ,why would he forbid her to enter the tent ,but she just shrugged it off thinking of it as an other typical royal compulsion.

Soon she heard a voice ,turning her head in that direction ,she saw zachary putting rose over the horse while she was struggling to break free ,she hid behind the tree ,so that he cannot see her ,soon he settled on the horse and went deeper in the forest ,making valentina internally panic .

She roamed her eyes in all the direction and saw other horses standing their .Calista had always been fond of horse rides so she had many times rode on horse during summer vacation trips ,so she went and carefully untied the horse and patted it and slowly settled on it ,but not being much experienced she accidentally kicked it's side really hard and before she knew the horse made a loud sound and ran in full speed making her heart lurch in her throat ,it didn't go as smooth as she thought ,she heard the shout of the guard's behind her making her take a huge gulp of breath and hug the horse tighter and close her eyes.

She didn't know where she was running and cursed herself mentally ,''what did you think ,you would be able to ride it like a pro ,when it's been years since you last handled one horse ,moreover this horse is exceptionally large ,i dont think it belongs to any random soldier but royal , oh my god why did you do this valentina''her subconsciousness mocked at her .

She slowly opened her eyes ,it seemed like she had reached in the darkest part of forest ,which was eerily silent ,making fear claw at her skin.

Her heart almost wanted to jump out of her mouth ,the horse was running without listening to her at all ,so trusting her intrusive thoughts she jumped off it ,which was again a bad decision as her body landed on the land and due to inertia bounced and fell limp on the ground

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