The secret behind his mother's death

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author's pov ~

Valentina took a step back ,still somewhat conflicted ,her heart wanted to step in her father's house again confront him ,maybe she still wanted to see the guilt in her father's eyes ,to ensure that he is still truly guilty , there was a hatred ,or if she'd be brutally honest ,it was disappointment toward her father ,that was still burning in her heart for him ,the disappointment of how much better he could have done when her mother was still there ,if he hadn't been an asshole to her mother ,if he wouldn't have behaved just like all men do ,if only he would have been the man ,he showed to her mother ,that he was , the what ifs and disappointment is what keeps us lingering ,yes there is detachment ,but there can't be hatred ,atleast against these two people , father and mother ,you could cut contacts with them ,not choose to go back ,for your own sanity ,ofcourse it is sane ,commendable ,kids forgive their parents without them asking for forgiveness in the first place ,so when a kid distances themselves from their parents ,it's not the kids but the parents that would be blamed ,what did they do that their kid had to physically and mentally detach himself to maintain his sanity , because kids ...stay ,even when no one gave them a reason to leave ,they stay , that was valentina's inner turmoil

Was she ever gonna give this man another chance , ofcourse not ,was there any chance they could form  a father daughter relationship? no ,never ,but if this man would be fallen on the ground hurt ,even after being the most pathetic creature , a drunkard in the world ,will she step up to help him even if the society would scrunch their noses in disdain ,will she step up to help him ,yes , that was what detachment was like , you can chose to fulfill your obligation without letting it put you in an existential crisis , 

Valentina covered her face and had just took one step when she heard a voice ,''what are you doing here '' making her whirl around in the direction of the oh so familiar voice while leaving a loud gasp of shock , 

Her eyes met the blue hues shining with specs of green in them ,making her stutter in surprise ''I-I y-YOU w-what are you doing h-here ?'' making the man in front of her raise an eyebrow in a mocking gesture ,''i asked the question first ,didn't i ?'' making her eyes move frantically in search for answer , 

''i was j-just getting familiar with the place ,what h-happened didn't you go with ronan?'' making ambroz click his tongue ,and he said while sighing ''after the last night's incident , people had curled themselves in their houses ,it'd take a few days for them  to sober up ,he gave me a tour of the whole market ,introduced me to a lot of traders ,merchants , also the king ,aka I dont really have a good image in their eyes ,some have completely lost their faith while some are rebelling ,some still believe that they can opt for a non cooperation ,non violent way and maybe awaken some sort of kindness in our hearts and have their needs met ,different people ,different views ,they call the soldiers pig , i was taken a back ,but when i heard their theory and their stance it was understandable ,i begrudgingly admit this , but my question still stands ,you were supposed to rest ,what are you doing here ,why did you step out of the community house ?''

Valentina was about to open her mouth when he again interrupted her ''you know tina that i knew about you not being mute and not being from this world ,didn't i ,do you think i'm clueless about your whereabouts ,and that you can lie to me and i wont know? Did you come here to meet your father? '' he asked making her bow her head and leave a sigh

Raising her head she looked him in the eye and said ,'' yeah ,i am here to see him ,i dont know if i should meet him to be honest ,'' she finished and watched him in amazement as he stepped closer to her and held her hands in his palm , caressing her fingers ,he said ,''then let's meet him'''

Valentina opened her mouth to reject his offer when he placed his hands on her mouth ,''shh! It would be easy for you to meet him now ,you could just introduce me to him as a tradesman whom you fell in love with and live with ''making her eyes go wide ,''what?what love ,there's no such thing as love between us , i won't say that ,i just want to check on him , i'm not here to make bonds '' she blabbered but stop when she saw his eyes hardening , for a fleeting moment she thought she saw him clenching his jaw ,but his expressions smoothened in a flash and his face broke out into a cheeky smile making her stare at him in a calculative manner ,he said ''ofcourse i know that , we are mates with benefits '' making her retaliate '' there's no such thing as benefits between us !'' making him raise an eyebrow and speak mischievously ''is that a complaint my lady ? huh ! i'm helping you in making your stay comparatively easy here ,i'll search for the common connection ,you are helping me in this journey ,aren't we benefitting each other ? how could you be so indifferent ? i'm hurt '' he dramatically placed his hand on his heart making her fumble with her thoughts ''y-you didn't mean t-that ?'' she said feeling embarrassed 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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