The devil king and the survey to the west

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Valetina's pov~

I felt like my body was burning ,my back was on fire and i felt too much conscious all of a sudden , Goosebumps erupted on my skin and my eyes open ,the room was still dark as it was midnight.

I raised my eyes to look at the window when i felt a cold gush of wind hit my face .

The curtain was moving ,the window was open as usual .

It's my habit to keep the window's open ,even when i sleep.

All the while , I was not ale to shake away the feeling of someone's stare drilling on to me .

My gaze moved around the room only to get stuck at a giant silhoutte of a man ,that was concealed into the darkness , only the bare amout of moonlight falling into the room through the open window was highlighting the figure's outlining of the body.

I did not scream ,it's in me since my childhood that whenever i get scared ,I become mute.

My heart started beating rapidly,and thousands of thoughts started to run in my mind , the debate on whether ,i should scream or stay silent and lay down ignoring the entire existence of this anonymous entity came in my mind.

Although the idea of screaming seemed appealing ,but i didn't even know if anyone would even wake up ,as i'm not even aware of the architect of this castle ,what if the walls are soundproof,and id not then what's the probability of someone even barging into my room and saving me ,i'm not even sure if someone's actually guarding the hallway right now ,any wrong step taken may make this person attack me .

What if this person is an assassin? But i never did any wrong to him ,i dont even know him ,then why would he kill me?

The only option left ,was the stupid one ,it was less risky ,and i preferred to implement it .

But i did modify it.

I didn't comletely go to sleep , i just laid down ,turned on his side to keep a secret eye on him and pretended to slip while covering my face only until my eyes and nose were visible ,ad waited for his next action.

I had made my mind ,if he would come towards me ,i would push him ,and jump from the window ,it's better to die by jumping from the window ,infact ,there are chances that i would survive, only six to seven bones would be broken ,I can atleast take that much pain.

All i have to do is to be agile.


Although valentina's efforts were careful and too much swift ,she was unaware of the hawk like eyes reading her every move and intention clearly.

Being a supernatural creature ,he was blessed with the ability of reading face expressions and seeing clearly at night.

Her face expressions ,and then her covering herself with a duvet amused him to no extent.

But no matter how much she would try to tackle the situation and be clever ,he was always ten steps ahead of her,

So he said ,in his extra deep voice.

''I know you are awake'''

His sharp ears heard it clearly how her breathing hitched for a moment ,but then it normalised and she instead of doing or saying anything ,continued to lay down .

He smirked and got up from his chair

Stroding towards her ,he stood in front of her ,and said ,''still pretending,violet?

He called her violet due to her aura that surrounded her ,she was constantly urging him,to merge into her. His mind would go blank ,all his worries would vanish and all he would want to do ,whenever this girl would come into his mind ,all he would want would be to paint himself in her colors of life.

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