in his castle

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Author's pov

[please read the note that i have left at the end .thank you!''

It was already night and the storm accompanied by rain had intensified the darkness of the night tenfold ,and the goons couldn't see his face clearly but could only make out a rough silhoutte of giant man ,who had the girl they wanted wrapped in his arms ,anyone would die to have her ,she was indeed a beauty as per the goons perspective.she had the perfect thickness in all the appropriate places ,and a night with this girl was indeed tempting.

It was not like they were fascinated by her beauty or anything .the only reason they wanted her ,was because she was a'girl' who had just the exact thing they needed to 'do themselves 'well for the night.The only thing such men need is a girl ,irrespective of the age ,appearence and all the other factors.

So when this anonymous man refused to give her to them ,they ,for one moment ,did think ,is her pussy worth dying for ,that this man doesn't even care for his life?

They took him as some random man ,who was just equally thirsty for the young woman just as they were.

So one of the goons decided to say''hey man, you can have her ,but after us ,it's just that ,we found her first ,she was going to undress for us too ,we will give her to you ,once we'll be done with her ,we don't want to wage war just because of a girl ,you know bros before hoes.'' and after finishing his sentence he came forward and forwarded his hand in order to take valentina from the giant man's grasp ,when he felt an agonizing pain in his hand and felt his right arm becoming light weighted ,a shrill scream left his throat ,terrorizing all the birds and small creatures who were sleeping peacefully in their safe haven.

The blood along with the man's arm ,which the giant man had just slashed off with his sword ,fell on the ground ,covering the already wet green muddy grass into a thick textured red.

His other friend on realizing this came forward to fight this man ,leaving the other ones behind ,but stopped in his tracks the lightning struck loudly tearing the sky apart and the light flashed on the giant man's face.

The goon stopped dead in his tracks on realizing who this person was and fell on his knees with wide eyes and shivering lips ,and bowed his head down such that his head was touching the ground and begged ,''y-y-your m-majesty ,please spare me , you can have this woman all for yourself , she is all yours ,but please leave me ,his other man who was standing behind him all this while on hearing that the person who had the girl secured in his arms all the while was the king himself shook him to the core and made the death bells rang in his ears too.He along with his friends bowed down on the ground,in the same position as his other man and begged for their life ,but the man who was the king himself said,''Is this woman's pussy worth dying for?''And raised his sword in the air ,cutting off the head of those men in one go .

The blood fell on his face and the sensation of the hot thick liquid flowing down his cheeks to his lips made his beast growl in satisfaction ,but the woman screaming and trembling badly in his arms took him out of whatever trance he was in ,and he finally looked at the girl ,he was a pure vampire so his all senses except the vision were very strong ,lack of mate had some disadvantages too and this was one of those disadvantage .

So he could only make out very minimum features of this woman in his hold .

He heard the woman pleading while trembling pathetically in his hold ,''p-please s-sir ,let me g-go ,I-i would not tell about this to anyone ,but please don't kill me ,p-please let me g-go''

Her trembling intensified almost with every word she said and her voice at the end of her speech became a little breathy and groggy showing her tiredness .

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