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Author's pov~

A huge body fell on her and since the sudden weight fell on her she got disbalanced and a shriek left her lips ,immediately shoving the body away she got up ,her eyes searching for ambroz ,but he was nowhere to be seen ,

She went in search of him ,when suddenly with a speed of lightning a body bumped into her wrapping their arm around her waist and the next moment she knew ,she was standing right in front of him in their personal room ,

She quickly veiled her panicked expression and asked him,''why are we here ? ambroz ,we should be there ,helping them ,we are under attack ,let's go ,quick!'' and tried to scurry her way out of the room but ambroz held her still on the spot ,not letting her move ,making her stare at him questioningly .

''I'll go valentina ,you'll stay here ''she heard him say making her immediately fight back ,''why ,why would you go alone ,no i'll come with you too ,im not weak ambroz ,let me come with you'' making ambroz hug her ,trying to stop her from throwing a fit ,'''shhh! i know you are too strong and that's the reason i dont want you to be with them ,last time you had a burst of energy ,you dont have control over your powers ,and moreover we ,here are just a low ranked vampires ,if they'll see the demo of your powers they'll surely doubt us,you may even harm yourself in the process ,so for their sake ,stay here '' making her go quiet ,on seeing this ambroz kissed the top of her head and was about to go when he felt her holding her hand ,making him look at her questioningly ,after hesitating for a moment she said ,'' be safe'' 

Her small gesture did something to his heart ,but putting his feelings at bay he just nodded at her and walked out with an archer and bow in his hand ,while the scabbard on his waist covered a common sword.

After he left the room ,valentina dropped herself on the  bed ,gripping her hairs in her hand ,'when will i gain control over my powers ?! damn it' she thought to herself 

Numerous thoughts were roaming in her mind ,her powers ,their connection ,these people,their safety ,ambroz's mission ,she was feeling too helpless ,ambroz's point was valid ,the people wont trust them if they'll see a glimpse of her power ,she was standing by the window ,trying to hear the sounds coming from outside ,the window was locked from outside so she couldn't open it ,suddenly she heard a sound of a child crying ,it was very clear to her ears ,peeking out of the door ,her heart dropped at the sight in front of her ,two vampires ,whose attire looked as simple as theirs ,were manhandling a lady and beside her was a child fallen on the ground ,slightly injured ,it seemed like he could also feel the danger and was crying for that lady ,who probably was his mother ,

Valentina gulped remembering ambroz's words ,but she also couldn't let any harm come to that lady ,so she ran in the direction of the child ,picked him up and ran in her room ,this caught one of those men's eyes ,so without her not knowing ,on of them followed valentina to her room ,she had just settled the kid on their bed and had just turned around ,when a gasp left her mouth watching the man passing her a malicious grin ,

''my my my what do we have here ?aint this the girl who ran away from us that rainy day ,''making her furrow her eyebrows ,but the next moment when the memory hit her ,her eyes widened ,''you?y-you're alive?"' she half screamed ,while taking a step back ,watching him take a step closer to her 

''You played very smart that night ,now let's see how you'd save yourself today'' saying this he banged the door of the room and turned around to bolt it ,making valentina run in his direction ,holding his biceps she tried to scratch him ,preventing him from closing the door ,her nails dug in his hands and he hissed making him glare at her ,the next moment a slap landed on her face making her almost lose her consciousness ,hauling her up on his shoulders ,he threw her on the bed like a rag doll making her heart lurch upto her mouth ,scooting back she looked at him and warned him ''look ,move away before  i do something to you ,you'll regret it ,move away '' she could still hear the child crying in the background ,but the man just mocked her ''oh you'll hurt me?yeah kitten? what will you do ?claw at my shoulders ,i'd love to see you struggling ''with this he held valentina by the throat and shoved her on the bed ,and as he brought his face closer to her ,valentina held his throat dugging her nails in his neck ,making him groan ,''feisty ?i like it '' but nothing could prepare him from what happened in the next moment ,valentina's eyes glowed  a deep shade of purple and fire emerged from her nails which were dug in his throat ,burning him from within ,screaming in pain ,he tried to move away from her ,but she didnt let him ,soon the fire reached his whole body ,burning him from within ,valentina left his throat and he ran out ,screaming ,blood coming out of his mouth ,his skin covered with bristles and collapsed on the ground the next moment ,no voice was coming out of his mouth ,just his limbs moving helplessly ,soon his body stopped moving ,the fire now seeping out of his pores ,still burning his body ,seeing which ,his other friend ,who had torn the young lady's clothes and was almost going to disgrace her , ,stopped and ran in her direction ,the lady had fainted already ,valentina could also feel her right side of the face swelling up ,that man lunged in her direction  only to meet the same fate ,valentina held his hand and his skin started to burn from that spot only ,making him scream ,the fire seeped deep in his skin ,spreading in his whole body ,he also screamed and ran away ,searching for water , he saw a well and jumped in it ,but the fire still  didnt extinguish ,he kept screaming making other men who were fighting the intruders gather around the well ,ambroz also pulled out his sword from a man's stomach after hearing the sudden commotion and went to see it ,the view left him speechless .

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