The twenty questions and the encounter with him !

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''who started everything that night?Who took the first step ?You or anne?''

Her voice resonated in the dimly lit elegant room ,immediately making the body of the man in his late forties tense up.

Valentina had her both eyes down with her both hands clasped together in a fist ,which was placed under her chin.

Adam ,her father ,looked at her with wide eyes.

There was shock ,sadness and pain in his eyes which valentina didn't even care to decipher because she was only filled with anger at that time ,and no matter how much she wanted to scream at this man ,she couldn't do so ,owing to the fact that it was her father.

Valentina's pov~

Well it's not because he is my father that im not screaming at him and throwing a fit ,there's nothing like respect between us ,i am not conrolling myself because he would feel heart ,There's no mercy for this man! The only thing that is stopping me from doing so is the recognition , The bitchy feeling of coming to know just now that I have a father! A newborn father ,and it's not appropriate to shout at a newborn ,also i dont have the patience in me to see this person's dramatic hurt expressions ,so the best way to get my answers and taking this conversation ahead is to avoid eye contact ,control my anger ,stay calm ,and talk nicely to him.

I haven't still accepted him as my father but i can still for some moments just pretend as if he is my father whom I have known for so long and talk calmly with him.

I noticed the way he got all silent.

My calculative mind sneered at me ,''This should not be the first question to be asked in the first place ,woman !This way the conversation won't last for more than 2 minutes and either this person would lay dead on the floor or you would be out of this house ,due to your own anger issues and become a prey of some supernatural goons by the end of these two minutes ,so take it easy and ask him an easy question.''

So I after giving myself a thought finally spoke ,''okay ,let's do it in an easy way ,How much close was my mother close to you? Emotionally? Were you only a husband in bed or in real life too?''

I noticed the slight shock in his eyes owing to my language I just used but I wasn't scared ,atleast not scared of a stranger,He also didn't say anything ,It seems like ,he also thinks that he doesn't has this basic right to shout and point at me.So he after staying silent for some moments simply decided to answer my question ,''

''No I was emotionally available ,we both were ! She would share everything about her day with me and I too would listen to her keenly and would try my best to fullfill all her demands.''

I thought of saying something in reply of this but then I thought of first getting done with these 20 questions and then give him my words.

''your favorite animal ?'' I asked .

He looked at me for a few moments and then answered ,''honey badger ,''he replied and i couldn't help but smirk for a moment ,I was able to connect the dots now.

Cheating doen't happen in a blink of a moment ,it takes some cold wars ,unsaid feelings of disappointments ,pathetic comparison ,wrong understanding of your spouse and lack of emotional availability.

''Your favourite colour?''' I asked?

''Red'' he replied

I took a deep breathe in response.

''How did you meet anne?''

''We were friends from high school .''

''How did you become friends with her.'' I started increasing my pace of questions to make him answer my questions quickly so that he won't get much chance to lie.

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