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Author's pov~

The silence was too loud in the air,making valentina's heaart beat ten times more faster and louder.

She was hell scared,one side she was worried about herself ,but then the fear of this innocent child getting punished was so much more than the former one.

Everyone had their mouth wide open with their eyes ready to bulge out of their sockets.

Valentina,looked at ambroz ,before taking a quick scan of her surroundings ,Aurora's servants had a look of triumph written on their face whereas Ambroz's face was void of any emotions.

He angrily glared at zachary who understood the meaning and signalled everyone to leave.

Soon everyone went back in their dwellings.

Now the only people present in the room was zachary chris's mother ,chris ,and herself.

Zachary was the first one who decided to break the silence and said ,''Majesty,I would take care of this kid ,if you allow me to ,this mistake won't be repeated again!''

This dragged the attention of the poor lady standing with her head lowered ,the thought of leaving her baby with this gruesome man sent her heart into frenzy,making panic stirr in her chest.''

She bursted out in tears and kneeled down in ambroz's feet,begging him to spare chris's life.

She said while sobbing heavily,''Y-your majesty ,I-I beg you ,he is innocent kid ,please spare him ,I assure you ,that you will never hear from him again ,please spare him.''

The scene of a mother begging to save her kid's life was too heartwrenching for valentina.she too,felt her eyes brimming with tears.''

She looked at ambroz with hopeful eyes ,who on seeing this ,went in his tent ,without saying a single word'

Soon zachary went near the lady and picked her up a little too harshly and commanded her,take this kid of yours away from my eyes ,now!and after that you know what to do!'''The lady helplessly nodded,with fear written alll over her face ,and turned around and departed with chris to her chamber,but the way chris was shooting daggers at zachary and the disgust in zachary eyes for the kid was too obvious to be ignored,valentina now had the hint that there is indeed something going on between them.

Sooon when zachary also left her ,she was all alone standing in the ground ,the only thought roaming in her mind was whether she should go and meet him ,or maybe simply ,she should just go and sleep in her room.

Contemplating against the latter one ,she decide to meet him.

Slowly yet hesitantly she entered in the all too familiar gothic tent of her king ,her eyes searched him everywhere ,,but he was nowhere to be seeen.

She heard a strong fragrance of rose oil and soaps coming from the other portion of her room ,making her know that he must be busy cleaning himself .

She decided to wait for him and stood close to the window ,admiring the waxing moon.

She always loved how strong it was ,it could shine even when it was not complete ,even though it had so many scars,it would still look more beautiful than yesterday,letting out a heavy sigh she rested her head against the window ,still ost in her thoughts when she felt hot breath on her nape making gooosebumps rise on her flesh ,turning around she saw the hge frame of ambroz,covering her ,shadowing her completely ,intimidating her,

He was standing a little too close to her liking ,she ,if not in this disguise of a girl from west ,would have definitely shoved him away and gave him an earful ,but alas!,she had to stay here for 53 days more ,so that rose fitzgerald would open the portal for her to come back to this world ,her father wasn't really someone whom she wanted to stay with ,and there was no way she was going to accept that this world was her's

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