Love or obstinacy?

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Author's pov ~

The night was still young ,the soft wind blowing through the broken corners of the old creaky door and the soft rustle of leaves outside the hut due to wind blowing ,along with the deafening silence had contributed really well in making the atmosphere extremely tense for valentina.

The soft rays of moonlight were tearing through the door making valentina see a rough silhoutte of ambrose who was looming over her trembling figure.

Her hands were fisting the bedsheet and she could feel her nails digging in the skin of her palm ,even though there was a cloth between them .

Her eyes peered straight into his shining red ones ,with a tint of blue in them ,it almost felt like she was peering straight into a galaxy through his eyes.

They were so intense .

None of them broke the eye contact ,she was too scared to even move ,fearing his actions ,whereas there were thousands of thoughts roaming in his mind ,but nothing could easily be interpreted easily through his facial expressions.

Soft ,dark orbs peered back into his shiny red ones ,with a range of emotions looming in them ,uncertainty ,fear ,anger with a slight tinge of rebel ,but the most dominating one was this combination of courage and fear ,which could be seen on her face ,she was shitscared but still seemed nowhere ready to be attacked .

The lining of her eyes had turned slightly red due to all the crying ,with the same shade being covered on her nose ,her misty bloodshot eyes shining with exhaustion ,fear and courage along with her quivering lips and chin surged an extremely new feeling of dominance in him .

This dominance was not something that he used to exercise over his enemies or his guards ,it was accompanied by a sudden need of submission ,his life had become a poem full of paradox.

He felt the anger ,yet warmth at the sight of her ,the need to dominate would claw at his heart evrytime she would be infront of him ,completely vulnerable for him to do anything yet the another feeling of holding her close ,this urge of wanting her to look at him with passion made him crazy.

For him ,she was a sorcery ,he was all tackled ,all clear about his aim and then she came ,and since that day his life has become a loop of question mark ,frustration and procrastination .

He ,who can get anyone ,even her in a blink of an eye ,feels utmost confusion and desperation ,one moment she feels nothing ,and the other moment she feels like the sole reasonable thing on earth which was made to keep him alive.

When she is not in front of him ,he makes strategies to make her submit ,to dominate her ,and bring her to her submission ,to derive the sick pleasure out of her ,but the moment she comes in front of him,and he sees her ,roaming here and there being totally oblivious of the turmoil she created in his heart ,he feels helpless .

Since she came in his life ,he couldn't identify himself ,he had become too impulsive ,doing extremely questionable things ,and destroying his own mental peace had become a part and parcel of his life ,Before her he never felt this incomplete ,but all he feels is that she should be included in him like the red of his blood ,only then he would find peace .

His actions are so in contradiction with the thoughts ,in all his games of planning and plotting against her ,the feeling of hugging her and keeping her to himself is more comforting and more dominating then ever?

Many times ,he would think ,if it is love ,and the only thing he would see after closing his eyes would be her!

So he recently , a few days ago tried to do some introspection.

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