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The sound of waterfall and the sweet smell of the forest was the only thing that could be heard followed by soft sobbing.

The moment valentina came back in her senses ,she found herself laying in his tent ,for one moment she wanted to consider all that happened last night as a nightmare ,but the moment she met the eyes of the giant man who was staring at her ,while laying on the bed beside her ,the emotions swirling in them confirmed her that the yesterday's event was indeed the truth.

She with her senses on high alert mode got up while making sure that she doesn't touch him ,even by accident ,and tried to slide out of the bed,

She was about to proceed towards the small bath house for women ,which was nothing but an other tent where all the servants used to take bath ,when his voice stopped her ,making her curse him internally,''I have sent all the servants back to the castle ,now its just us ''. she heard him saying words which very well contributed to the rise of heartbeat

''u-us?'' she asked in a breathy yet hesitant voice .

''yes,it's just me ,you ,your friend and zachary '' he said.

''and what about chris ?'' she asked him with a slight raise in her voice due to panic ,which certainly didn't please the bulky man sitting in front of her as his eyes turned stormy the next second and he looked at valentina with certain emotions ,which seemed like ''jealousy''?to her.

So she took a step back and this time asked him with the same soft voice,''i mean ,chris is just a kid , where is he? i guess it would be hard for him to adjust without his mother ,he is just a -'' she couldn't even complete his sentence when he spoke ,''you need not worry about him ,he is a boy ,he's supposed to make a good warrior ,he doesn't need that spoonfeeding ,stop making him weak ,just stay away from him '' which angered her ,so she revolted ,''A person who thinks that his masclinity will get challenged if he will become emotionally available and be soft and kind ,and cry  just like a normal human being ,then this means that he is fragile man ,the most weakest --''she was continously blabbering with her eyebrows furrowed ,the moment she looked in his eyes ,the anger in his eyes almost made her voice disappear ,before she could even understand ,she felt her back getting smashed in the wall ,and her air supply  being cut ,making a painful moan leave her throat ,and her eyes automatically closed in order to bear the pain .

She could feel tears lining her eyes due to shortage of air supply in her lungs and her face was turning red ,she could barely focus on the voice which was extremely near her face ,she could hear him saying something like ,''fragile man ?!-----the fucking king------be glad ----thankless bitch!----'' she couldn't focus on his voice any more and she could almost see black dots appearing in front of her eyes ,she was almost going to faint ,when suddenly the pressure on her throat was lifted away ,and finally a huge gulp of oxygen filled her lungs ,breathing was almost painful for her ,her throat was hurting really badly accompanied by the pain down her back due to being smashed in the wall ,her head was pounding loudly.

She collapsed on the ground ,and breathed like crazy ,she laid on the ground and continued to cough and breathe crazily ,she could feel that she was drenched with sweat .After a few minutes she gained a control over her senses and then weakly she opened her eyes,looking around she spotted ambroz sitting on the couch ,there was not a slightest amount of regret on his face ,with her bloodshot eyes she gave him the most hateful glare ,openly showing her hatred for him ,they both were looking in each other's eyes ,where valentina's eyes were clearly showing immense ,hatred and disgust for him ,his eyes showed nothing ,they were cold ,not even a single expression could be interpreted from his facial expressions.

Getting up ,he walked near her figure and crouched near her frame and said ,''I'm going for an important work ,at night i want you to be ready for me ,decorate this room like a newly wed couple's room ,and wear the best dress you can ,i dare you to cross me and you will see how bad i can be ,i want you to enjoy ,i want us to make love ,i want you to have the privilege of pleasure from me ,consider yourself lucky for this ,you have already made  a lot of mistaked and i have ignored all of them considering how we differ in  world and culture ,but one more mistake valy and you would see the wrath of me ! understand?' he asked her lifting her face by her chin ,to have a clear view of her face ,in response she moved her gaze away from him and made a disgusted face making him chuckle lowly ,he leaned closer to her face letting his breath fan her face ,which earned a flinch from her ,looming over her face and making her uncomfortable to the extent ,he moved away from her and without any word ,simply walked out.

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