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[Just look at the clothing,not the face ,this aint the ambroz of my imagination you all are free to imagine him as you like ,do share your idea of ambroz with me too :)   ]

In the grand hall, amidst the flickering candlelight and the whispers of courtiers, stood a man bedecked in the resplendent garb befitting a king. His regal aura seemed to command the very air around him, filling the room with an undeniable presence that demanded attention and reverence.

Atop his head rested a crown wrought of gold and studded with glistening gemstones, each facet catching the light in a dazzling display of opulence. It sat upon a brow furrowed with the weight of rule, yet marked by a determination that spoke of unwavering resolve.

His attire, a masterpiece of craftsmanship, draped him in robes of the richest velvet, dyed in hues that mirrored the majesty of the royal court itself. Embroidered with threads of silver and gold, the garments bore intricate patterns that spoke of lineage and tradition, each stitch a testament to the skilled hands that had brought them to life.

Around his neck hung a chain of office, its links forged from the purest silver and bearing the emblem of his kingdom—a symbol of his authority and duty to his people. With every movement, it chimed softly, a reminder of the weight of his responsibilities and the legacy he carried upon his shoulders.

His hands, adorned with rings of rare jewels, gestured with grace and purpose as he addressed his subjects, their gleaming facets catching the eye of all who beheld them. They spoke of power tempered by wisdom, of a ruler who understood the delicate balance between strength and compassion.

And yet, beneath the trappings of kingship, there lay a man—a mortal, flawed and vulnerable like any other. In the depths of his eyes, one could glimpse the burdens he bore, the sacrifices he had made in service to his kingdom. But there too burned a fire—a spark of resilience and determination that refused to be extinguished.

For he was not merely a king, but a leader—a beacon of hope and guidance in a world fraught with uncertainty. And as he stood amidst his court, clad in the mantle of his station, he embodied the very essence of royalty—majestic, noble and enduring.

Feeling everyone's eyes on him ,he settled down on his throne and signalled with his hand for others to sit down ,which they did at once .

On the right-hand side of throne ,sat zachary ,followed by his troop of soldiers ,he was given the duty of handling the tax collection from 5 states under ambroz's rule.

Almost everyone present in the court room had some authority ,transferred to them by ambroz.

Since he was back from the west after tackling the issue that had arisen there ,they all were reporting him about the things happening around his kingdom.

One rising cause of worries was the commonalties dissatisfaction with the current policies ,and the tax imposed on them ,dissatisfaction among people was felt and in his absence ,a small section of people had come together to fight for their rights ,and as his officials informed him ,that mass of people was travelling across the kingdom and agitating the commonalty to fight against the king and his rule .

''we've caught two of those traitors ,your majesty ,they're in the dungeon ,if you'll allow ill give them the most painful death ,they'll even regret taking birth on this land ,ha! how dare they go against the king'' a  minister said while gritting his teeth.

Ambroz frowned his eyebrows ,thinking about the series of events going on in his kingdom ,and now this new issue had arisen ,

rubbing his hands on his temple he said ,''what are their demands minister caspian?''

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