In his world[2]

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''I wont go there!'' she announces and Rose who had her head bowed down ,raises her head as soon as her voice shimmering with refusal reaches her ears.

She raises her eyes and looks at valentina ,whose eyes and nose were red .

She was crying .

She knew this was gonna happen ,valentina wont accept this easily ,so she tried to make her understand .

''valy , my child ,I know you are upset with your father ,but let the bye gone be bye gone , he has already paid for his mistakes ,it was your mother's wish to send you back to mrunia once you grow up , now is the time ,this world is not for you ! You belong there !''

Valentina rubs her forehead in frustration and bites her lower lip and tries to stop herself from crying and say ,''how? How can you say that i dont belong here? I am raised here ,i have memories of only this place ,I am a human ,who knows about just this world , I know the way to my shop ,church and all the places here ,I have the currency that is acceptable at this place and you are telling me that i dont belong here ,but to a world ,where people do magic and who knows what other things ,this world just has humans ,but that world has some bloodsuckers and weird humans who can shift into animals? I belong with them and not a human ? Am i a joke to you ,is my life a joke to you ?!!'' she seethed in anger but at the end her voice broke and turned into a whisper indicating her mental breakdown.

''Valentina ,please ,just go there for two months ,I swear ,if you dont find anything meaningful there ,you can come back ,please ,just for your mother's sake ? For her last wish ! Please for her'' rose said in a desperate voice.

Valentina went silent ,now just the sound of hicupps was gradually leaving her throat as she tried to ponder on the words of ms fitzgerald ,

After a while ,rose asked cautiously ,noiticing valy's calm expressions ,she was not angry anymore ,''so ,do you agree?''

Valenina just gave a very slight nod of her head .

''Where will i go ,when you will send me there ? What language do they speak ? What would happen to me ,will that man be able to recognize me as his daughter ?''she asked the questions that were roaming in her mind ,and increasing her anxiety second by second.

''yes!your father knows about you ,that you will come there today.they speak another language ,but the spell that would be casted .on you would make you understand their language ,you would speak to them in your own language and they would also be able to converse with you comfortably ,that spell works as a translation tool.Nothing would happen to you , when you will enter the world ,you would reach the forest ,from there you would go to the nearby village and the 27th house from the starting of that village belongs to your father.''

''mother!'' valentina said and rose furrowed her eyebrows in confusion .

Valentina took a deep breath and said ,''the house belongs to my mother ,i am going to her house ,not his!''

Rose lowered her head but soon nodded it and again raised her head and said ,;''let's hurry up'' .


after closing down the library ,fitzgerald took valentina to the back of her house where there was a small storeroom ,built.

Rose opened the door and lead the way down the stairs then opened a passage which was extremely creepy and dark ,and asked valentina to follow her ,

Valnetina felt a shiver run down her spine and thought of rushing back to her house and calling the cops on ms rose for building such a creepy dark place at the back of her house .

What if this was all some black magic and rose was going to surrender her soul to a demon?

the thought almost made her stop back in her tracks and run back but she didn't do so.

She didn't have the courage to do that ,she had already come a far way and didn't have the courage to turn around and rush back because just imagining ms rose following her while screaming and laughing in a scary voice with a knife in her hands was damn scary .

So she just simply decided to follow her ,while reciding the holy verses of bible and consoling herself that the lady standing in front of her was a good lady ,she was calista's mother who has raised calista well ,she is not harmful ,she is safe.

They soon reached a room which had a beautiful large mirror in it .

And some earthen pots and vessels ,which were too big ,and a marble table was also kept there.

Valentina was immersed in observing her surroundings when suddenly rose's voice reached her ears , scared ,she shook violently ,a scream built at the base of her throat but she composed herself and went towards rose taking feeble steps in her direction ,''Valy ,come here!''

Rose continued .''This is a new start to your life ,don't panic or get confused ,whenever you feel scared ,just think that we are with you ,we wont let anything happen to you ever!'

Valnetina furrowed her eyevrows and asked ,''We?''

Instead of replying ,rose grabbed her arm and made her stand in front of the mirror and asked her to close her eyes.

Rose and valy both closed their eyes and rose soon started reciting the spell....

''Thro un jo na juunem kio bih languados ,miy undrosindus ervy languados''

After this spell was casted ,valentina felt a change in her inner self ,she could hear things more clearly ,she was still in her thoughts when her muse was broken by rose's voice ,,this time the mantra she was saying was able to get decoded by valy .

''The one who doesn't remembers the history or her desitiny ,may be condemned to experience it and repeat it .''

with this being heard ,panic rose in valentina's chest and she tried to scream and run away ,but before she could do it ,she realized her surroundings had been changed and she was standing on the other side of the mirror.

She tried to make a run ,her lungs were out of breath and her heart was beating wildly in her chest ,she was scared ,so she screamed ,''no! no please aunt ,dont leave me here alone ,im scared!'' but it was too late .

The portal to that world had been closed and she was here in his world now.

hi guys

i know ,this was a short chapter.

I will compensate for it soon .

or maybe i would extend this chapter ,just stay patient ,

Soon ,the updae would be soon .

Til then give me some ideas on how ambroz would meet valy


author sylvie!!

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