she's back!

118 7 11

valentina's pov~

This place is so dark ,i can hear distinct voices ,and it seems like they are fighting ?

I slowly get up ,and observe my surroundings ,only the rays of sunlight creeping through the broken window are helping me in taking in the tidbit of this place i'm in .

Slowly ,i reach forward and open the door ,which makes a creaking noise on opening ,making me wince .

As i take further steps ,the voices are more clear now,

I realise I am on a ship ,

Panic floods in my system ,but listening to the rational part of me i keep hiding and focus on the voices ,it's a female ,her back is facing me ,and she is yelling while crying at some guy who is maybe sitting down ,only his tense shoulders could be seen ,from where i'm currently sitting ,she is yelling at him ,and her voice is too much familiar

''Sometimes ,i tell myself that  i shouldn't have given you the best parts of me ,that I should have never handed myself to you ,They all told me that loving you was wrong ,but i felt like the universe had aligned everything in my favour,and loving you felt right ,I want to stay away from you ,but i still somehow find myself wishing for you ,i was never this weak elijah!'' 

Who's elijah?,

The man named elijah ,tried to interrupt her ,but she beats him to it and continues to speak..

''I try to find you in places that made me feel whole-places we shared love and laughter ,I try to find you in songs that you sang ,I try to find you in streets and places of worship ,but now the our relationship has come to a point that only seeing you in dreams is the only legitimate thing possible between us ,sometimes i wake up with tears staining my face ,because now even in my dreams ,i have started to see the glimpses of you leaving me alone ,abandoning me ,sometimes i feel like quitting all these responsibilities so the only thing that would remain would be me and you ,but i know you wont do the same for me ,and if i would leave my responsibilities i would be damned because i would have nothing in my hands ,i am so damned right now ,You know what,I have had enough of all this ,i will find a way out of all this and bring justice to my kingdom ,to  my people ,i would prefer working for the general interest instead of individual interest ,you protect your kingdom while you can ,elijah ,because this time you wont be facing your lover but a queen ,and i will destroy you !'' warning him,she turned around,and that was the moment the earth slipped from underneath my feet.

The girl ,standing in front of me ,is my doppleganger ,it's really happening ,i guess ,and she is looking straight in my eyes.

She walks in my direction and i am barely ready for some interrogation or anything that's going to happen but what actually happens was never the least bit i expected ,

The girl ,passes through me as if i am air ,making me doubt my whole existence ,

''Delilah'' i hear the man shouting behind her ,but she continues to walk away ,The man runs behind her after passing through me ,but before he could go close to her ,she points her hand in his direction and puple-pink fire erupts from her hands ,the force of it knocking him behind ,

The same fire surrounds me ,but i dont feel the heat ,instead i see each and every movement and how it turns into a tornado ,

slowly everything stills ,the fire submerges into me making me scream 

and my eyes open !

Looking around i find myself in a small room ,made of stone walls ,giving it a gothic look ,a small table is attached to my bed ,on it ,was  a basket of fruits ,

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