Meeting her!

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''so are you ready?'' martha ,the gumiho asked me .

I was standing near the waterfall with a heavy transparent glass globe in my hand ,facing the sun.

Martha was holding a mirror in her left hand ,and was holding a stopwatch in her right hand.

Soon the tick tock of the watch stopped when Martha clicked on the button which was on top of it .

She looked at me ,and the glint in her eyes were enough for me to think that it was the time .

She placed the mirror on the grass and made me stand fifteen steps away from the mirror with my both hands holding the globe ,and asked me stretch my hands forwards.

Soon the sun rays fell on the mirror and then the reflected ray entered the globe ,and the globe transparent globe turned black ,then slowly ,the colour started getting lighter and lighter ,it turned grey from black ,second by second the colour of that globe was changing ,I was too much fascinated by the magic and got deeply absorbed in observing the changing colours ,when my muse was broken by Martha's voice.

''prince listen ,I am putting this clock in your pocket ,You have exactly 1 hour ,You are standing at the border line between two worlds ,Makes sure to come back to this world ,beacause any negligence can block the door of our world for you ,and you won't be able to enter it in any way ,and please do abide by the rules I told you earlier and....''

I was listening to her ,while my gaze was still stuck on that globe ,when I soon realized that she was no more audible to me ,I raised my eyes and was awestruck when I realized that the other side of the world that was the forest was finally linked with the waterfall by which I was standing.

My heartbeat quickened as the thought of meeting her entered my conscience .

A grin automatically spread on my face at the thought of her .

I was still standing there when I heard the sound of footsteps ,they were very quick .

I quickly ran and hid near the waterfall, I knew it's her.

I looked at the globe and saw that it had turned into a shiny baby pink colour .

It was definitely her ,Martha told me ,this globe would tell me about her aura .

She has a pink aura.

My aura is grey.

Soon a thin and tall frame of a girl came in my view ,she was stumbling with each step she took , her face was covered with her hairs which were sticking to her skin due to a thin layer of sweat on her body.

She fell on the ground while coughing hoarsely and panting loudly and the crawled towards the river and collected the water in her hand and drank it in one go and again put her hands in the water and collected some of it and splashed it on her face.

One thing ,I noticed that she was extremely alert ,and with every move she made ,her gaze would fall in the direction of the dry forest from where she came ,

She must have noticed the difference between the two sides of the forests ,or has she stil not realized it yet.

After sometime she relaxed a bit and leaned her head back and started looking around trying to admire her surroundings .

Soon,she dipped her legs in the water and smiled softly ,I guess that must be because of those fishes ,If only I could take her with me right now ,she would have a free time to come here and play with these fishes.

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