A new phase of life

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Two years later~

Valentina's pov~

''Valentina! Hurry up! Go take the order of table no 6'',my boss,Emily shouted at me as I was again immersed in my own thoughts .

I sighed,and walked towards the directed table, and took the order from the family ,with two small kids ,almost of the same age , and their parents.

When I was about to turn around and walk away ,I felt like something bumped into my left leg ,I looked down and saw the same little boy ,who was just now sitting with his family members ,hugged my legs.

He was looking up at me ,with his wide doe black eyes and a cheeky grin ,I could feel the kid's mother tensing up beside me suddenly .

I smiled and caressed the little kid's head and asked him ,''What's your name little boy ?''

He replied shyly,''My name is Alex''

''You have a beautiful name ,alex''I said while ruffling his hairs with a slight chuckle .

''What's your name ?''Alex asked me .

''Valentina'' I replied simply.

''Will you be my valentine ,Valentina'' Alex asked me ,and my eyes slightly broadened and my lips parted and an involuntary chuckle of amusement left my lips.

''Sure Alex! I would love to!'' I replied ,still smiling.

''Don't mind him ,miss ,he is too much mischievous ''Alex's father said.

''No No ,I don't really mind him ,he is such a cute kid'' I said while looking down at the kid .

''He just has this weird habit of clinging on to strangers ,we can't help it ,You are the first one who didn't push him ,The others would always shove him away !''Alex's mother said to me ,while smiling .

''That's rude ! He is such a small shiny ball of sunshine ,The one who shove him are definitely stupid.His innocence is extremely worthy of being cherished because gaining sense of rationality and individuality ,sucks!'' I said and noticed Alex's mother's lips curling downward ,I realized that I said too much in the flow so I quickly changed the topic.

''let me bring you guys your order !''


The sun was about to set now.

'A lot of things have changed in these two years ,' I thought and sighed to myself while staring at the sun which was just in front of me ,just parallel to me.

I just got my departure from the cafe ,I am working in .

Right now ,I am standing on a bridge ,above the lake ,This bridge is a very good place to enjoy the sunset view ,I can see a lot of people standing on this bridge just like me ,

Well ,they are not really like me ! Some youngsters are here with their partners ,grandparents are sitting their with their grandchildren on the bench ,enjoying the sunset view ,some newly made couples are having the euphoric moments of their life with their partners ,everyone present here ,has someone to talk to , someone with whom they can laugh ,cry ,but Here it is me ,all alone , alone not in just this place but in this whole world ,This bridge falls on the way to my house.

My house ,is not a home anymore ,It doesn't feels like home now ,Because I have no one in their who would welcome me ,cook food for me ,and would be eager to hear about my day.

Thinking about all this ,my throat clogged up and tears pooled my eyes !

Everyday ! Everyday I cry over her ! It's been two years but still the grief inside me for losing her hasn't reduced even a bit ,instead it has clogged up into a big lump ,which always makes me aware of it's presence in my throat whenever I think about my past.

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