Not a prince charming anymore!

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Two years later~

Author's pov

Caring and gentle in the eyes of his commonalty ,but for the people who have faced his true beast ,and his trustworthy people he is a ...


There are threen things he is notorious for :

His cold malignant glare.

His intelligence and special powers as a vampire king.

And his callous nature.

He is very creative and the best king in the eyes of his commonalty.

Two years ago ,After the death of his mother ,his father demotioned Aurora as Ambroz's Advisor and crowned him as the king of Mrunia,just exactly according to the decision he made with his wife a,when both Ambroz and Aurora were teens.

He is indeed very creative ,his people couldn't agree less with this statement said for his amazing creative ways for torturing someone in the most brutal manner without carving a single wound.

Linked with zeus according to his commonalty due to his wise ruling abilities and linked by Ares and Hades by his partners in crime .

They call him the king of war and death.

The ruler of the underworld.

The title indeed suits him ,considering his twisted brutal nature..

On the other hand ,he is also linked with Adonis for his attractive features.

When not slaughtering his enemies ,he is famous for stealing the breath of women and maybe men too ,with his exquisite looks.

Posssessing a height of 6'4 ,he is a man of muscles .

His black hair reaches upto his shoulders in a mullet hair cut ,which rightly compliment his broad shoulders ,tight chest and forest green orbs.

His lips and eyes can be called his best asset ,with which he can steal the attention of all the women and make men doubt their ssexuality .

And his viscious smirk ,when he gets what he wants ,or when he gets challenged ,is usually the weak point of every girl .

The next best feature is his perfectly sculpted jawline ,as sharp as an obsidian sword ,which maybe the art of craftsmanship.

His slightly crooked aristrocratic nose ,is the proof of all the battles he had ever fought and just beautify his facial features tenfold.

He oozes this rare confidence and attraction from his every pore which is both intimidating and mysterious and exudes apowerful aura that adds a royal touch to his appearence.

People consider him as an angel and often say that the women ,who is written in his fate will be very lucky ,but don't fall for his charm .

It's better to jump in a river full of piranhas than to fall for a guy like him ,

He is a devil in disguise !

He has changed a lot in these two years ,both mentally and physilcally .

From a boy to a man.

Not a prince charming anymore but a nightamare dressed as a daydream .

All in all ,in these two years ,he has changed himself into a walking example of the notion ,''Beautiful but deadly ,He is untouchable ,unlinkable ,like really he is untouchable in an ''untouchable untouchable way''

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