Delilah and the scary forest

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Author's pov~

After valentina fainted ,she was carried back into her new tent ,which was settled once they reached the village to the west .The name of the village was aubernclaw . A very beautiful village , the place felt like heaven on earth ,there were coffee and tea farms, papaya trees ,it felt like they were in heaven .

It felt like a warlfree place ,where people had plenty of time for themselves ,to learn new skills ,to sit under the trees in the autumn season ,and dance and sing in joy .

The atmosphere was peaceful.

The only thing that was being an eyesore to the beauty of the village was the lake water ,which had turn red due to all the bloodshed , the red blotches on the temporary walls of the commonalty residing there.

The fear in the eyes of people and the trauma reflecting on their faces showed the horrors they all have been revealed to.

They all were hoping for their king to kill those group of assasssins who were secretly hiding somewhere and would come to attack the people ,only when the night would fall and there would be a complete nightout.

Ambroz along with his ministers was attentively tending to the recent case when his eyes involutary moved to the side where valentina was supposed to be standing.

But finding her absent at the chosen spot ,he darted his eyes all around ,muting out the villagers and his ministers voice ,searching around for valentina.

When he didn't catch even a single glimpse of her ,something close to fear stirred in his chest.

Without waiting for a single moment ,he started moving in a random direction ,and started to look for her ,

for him she was just a mere human girl ,who was still shielded from the monsters lurking in the shadows ,and her sudden disappearence ,only made him imagine the worse possibility ,,which he desperately wished not to be true ,in a hidden spot in his heart.

He changed a few directions ,not even caring about the fact that his members were following him.

The witches ,aurora ,the maids ,soldiers ,villagers ,all were there ,hot on his tail.

He turned to his left when he suddenly smelt a very strong scent coming from the same direction ,but the difference was that this time it was not the usual morning dewy forest scent of wild flowers ,but this time it was a mix of pansy ,peonies and wild flowers ,almost hypnotising ,he almost swayed on his feet when he smelt it ,he closed his eyes and his mind pictured his heart slowly burning the shackles that are holding him hostage and beating slowly yet strongly , he felt a strong rush of blood in his veins ,a weird music floated in his ears ,almost hypnotising him ,and he followed the source blindly and mindlessly.

It was only when he came extremely near that scent ,when he smelt a foul smell coming from the source too.

Which made him sightly come out of whatever trance he was in,and he snapped his eyes open ,only to come face to face with a sight he never once imagined to see in his lifetime.

Valentina's whole body had turned purple-pink and fire was coming out of her hands ,she had wrapped the hulligans around the fire ,and they were slowly yet painfully turning into ashes.

It seemed like the girl was from another world , too astonishing ,yet scary.

The rage burning in her eyes was that of a warrior ,a courageous warrior ,who had only one aim,

protect,kill or die

He saw how she tightened the fiery grip around the men's body and heard multiple sound of gasps ,making him aware of the presence of others in the scene as well.

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