King's maid?

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''WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?'' the loud voice boomed silencing all the commotion in the hall.

The maid holding valentina's hairs stepped away including all the servants in the hall and the guards who had rushed in on hearing Mia's call .

They all bowed their head down and hit their fisted right hand on their left hand ,saluting the figure.

Ambroz ,followed by his guards stepped into the scene ,with a hint of anger on his face .

He looked at mia , and without casting valentina a single glance , he walked and stood in front of his future fiance and said , ''care to tell me about the commotion happening here?'' ,mia raised her chin high ,flexing her slender neck ,her eyes filled with arrogance at ambroz's addressal ,she stepped closer to him and dramatically bowed down in front of ambroz,showing how graceful and above everyone she was and said ,''for sure majesty!''

and stepped two steps backward and looked at valentina with a faint smirk and eyes filled with rudeness and said in a fake graceful voice ,''this new maid ,right here ,stole my sandals and when clara tried to ask her the reason ,she raised her hands on her and tried to violate the discipline of the palace , she even tried to attack me .''

Valentina's eyes widened with astonishment on how the bitch was clearly lying ,but soon the astonishment was replaced with anger and she opened her mouth to defend herself ,but the reminder of her being a mute rang in her mind ,making her bow her head down ,instead of defending herself.

She clenched the sides of her dress in her fists that were hanging at her both sides ,and she closed her eyes tightly and clenched her jaw , and tried to control the anger that was ready to erupt out of her system like a volcano.

''is this a fucking school ,where i must be punished for breaking the discipline , and why is no one saying anything ,it's not like i attacked that bitch without any reason ,i'm mute ,they aren't.!''she screamed in her mind

But soon her chain of thoughts was broken when a cold voice rang in her ears ,''do you have something to say in your defence ? Did you really tried to violate the royals?''

Valentina didn't raise her eyes ,instead the lava in her chest that was flaring up ,started boiling at the highest temperature on hearing his words ,and she clenched her teeths hard ,such that the veins on her forehead started to become visible ,and she started to vent her frustration out on this man in her brain.

''The audacity! wow! These royals! they are so damn pathetic ,like what the hell does violating the royals in his dictionary means? The pattern of his speech is so damn irritating ,if i would meet such a man on a date ,whose way of interrogating a scenario is so pathetic ,i wont even care about how hurt he might feel ,and would just get up and leave him sitting there then and there , royals ,pfft ,more like pigs , i would better respect a wild boar than engage in a conversation with such impossibly irritating people .''

''Your majesty ! This girl is mute ,she can't speak '' she heard miley replying to the king .

she raised her eyes ,only to the extent ,that his chest will be visible to her eyes ,before she could raise her eyes more ,he said ,''she's mute?''

And her eyes again fell and she started looking towards the floor , her heart started beating fast ,because she felt a hint of doubt , and disagreement in his voice ,as if he didn't agree with what miley said.

Sweat glistened her forehead when she felt his eyes boring holes in her skull and she clasped her hands together ,waiting for him to speak something .

''But that doesn't proves her innocence in any way ,she has raised her hands on a royal ,and she should be punished .'' he said.

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