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Walking in a pink -ankle-length dress, Valentina Mathews entered the detail-oriented library.

The librarian being her aunt's best friend-cum-sister, had called for her as she needed her help in arranging the new books that have recently arrived.

Valentina gracefully strode towards the old lady and greeted her while bowing her head a little as in to show some respect,'' Good morning Ms.Fitzgerald.''

The old lady as on cue lifted her head and looked into Valentina's entrancing black orbs and replied,'' Morning dear, hope things are going well for you and Anne.''

Valentina nodded her head and replied with a slight smile,'' Yes, aunt, all thanks to the almighty.''

The old lady grabbed the seat for support and got up from her seat and asked Valentina to follow her.

They went to the corner of the large library where six big cartons of books were placed.

Valentina gasped while looking at them and said,'' These are a lot.''

The old lady nodded and said,'' Yeah! I am recently doing research on the fishes and wanted to know a lot of facts about them, My customers also asked me for some books of Collen hoover and all so that's why I had to order them, It includes some guides of mathematics, science, and sst so be careful while arranging them, will you be able to do so?''

Valentina nodded her head but soon replied,'' yes aunt'' as she realized that the old lady wasn't looking at her and couldn't see her nodding her head.

''Good ''the lady replied and added,'' If you want any book you can take'em''

Valentina again nodded respectfully. She was always a person of a few words. Since she was a child, she never spoke much, being an exemplary student with polite nature made her the envy of many girls and didn't help her much in making many friends.

She only had two friends, One was the daughter of ms Fitzgerald, Calista, and the other was Abriella, the three girls were together since they were in grade 1 but they became best friends in seventh grade. Abriella, just like Valentina, is brilliant in her studies.

Calista was extremely bubbly and the type of girl who blurts out anything out of her mouth without thinking twice which always led her to end up in trouble. She is decent in her studies but still gets scolded by her mother sometimes for her grades. Ms.Fitzgerald is an extremely decent lady. It's said that she is extremely good at reading tarot cards and can easily see someone's past and future. She loves to research new things and is obsessed with marine life and often shares the information she reads with Valentina and Calista. She had seen Abriella once, and it was enough for her to come up to a conclusion that the girl was decent.

For the first time in her life, she was proud of Calista for being in a healthy friend circle.

They all study in the same grade and had recently given their final exams and were currently preparing for their entrance exam.

They all had chosen commerce as their mainstream.

Valentina was the wisest and the calmest of them all.


Valentina silently started arranging the books in the right order, after some time she reached the Romantic novels and novellas section.

She for once wanted to read a romantic novel.

But her aunt and the librarian aunt were too strict. Since childhood, the girls were not allowed to watch any romantic drama because their mothers didn't want their daughters to get distracted and commit 'a sin.'

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