Seeing his mate for the first time!!

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One side of the forest ,ie from where she came was completely lifeless whereas the other side on which she was laying injured had a waterfall and dark green forest , she couldn't really fathom the current situation she was in .

'Her undivided attention was now solely on the side from where she came ,and she was checking time to time whether the hunter would be coming behind her or not.

She was feeling alot better after drinking water but still she was quiet tired ,since the weather was windy today,she decided to simply sit by the waterfall and rest for sometime.

She had already realised that she was out of danger now and she could really rest well here without any disturbance.

She dipped her feet in the water and soon started to feel the ticklish sensation in her feet ,confused,she looked at her feet and saw lots of small fishes had surrounded her feet and they were continuously kissing her feet with their pouty mouth.

She smiled and thought in her mind'Ha! A free fish pedicure'''

It felt so relaxing ,she laid back on the grass ,with her feet still in the water and looked up towards the sky,there were dark clouds collected all over the area ,

Looks like it would rain today! she thought and breathed in the crisp woody scent of the woods mixed with the cool air floating all aroud.

It was such a euphoric feeling ,she could spend her life in this forest , if only humans didn't require food but air for survival,she would have already made this place her home,

She wondered why she didn't see this place before , even after having her whole childhood spent in the woods mostly.

Due to such a calm and beautiful weather ,she could feel her eyes dropping and soon she dozed off completely.

The sound of wind moving fast could be heard when a figure suddenly came out from the tall grasses that had grown just adjacent to the waterfall.

He took silent and composed step towards the figure of valentina ,who was completely immersed in her dreamland and stood near her head ,gazing keenly at the frail figure of the petite girl who was right now away from alll the earthly possessions and was completely relaxed and carefree under the blanket of windy attmosphere.

He gazed at her for a good three minutes trying to drink her features in with his eyes as much as he cold.

She was not the perfect girl with pale flawless skin ,busty body ,like most men want their girls to be ,or maybe imagine their girls to be , instead ,she had a slightly tanned skin ,not completely caramel ,she was fair with a slightly tanned skin ,by looking at her he could easily guess that her height was 5feet 6 inch ,she had full plumpy reddish pink lips with beautiful almond eyes but a slightly broad nose but it suited her ,it was still pointed and gave a beautiful shape to her face ,she didn't had a sharp jawline , there was still the baby fat present, her slender neck had a chain wrapped around it and the word ''Valentina'' was written on it in Italic calligraphic form and he assumed it to be her name .

His gaze then moved from her face to her busts ,they were not too big ,just the normal size ,and she was slightly curvy and her gear ,was not as wide as the one which is normally defined ,but still it was enticing to his eyes .

But what was attracting him towards her and fueling his desire to claim her was that she belonged to him .

The euphoric feeling of knowing that he was seeing someone who  solely belonged to him ,fueled his chest with pride.

He just wanted to see her eyes ,it was the only thing he wasn't able to see.

He looked at her feet which were still in the water and his brows furrowed ,they were in the water for a long time already ,it was not good for her skin ,he pulled her feet out of the water and changed her position so that she can lay comfortably with her feet out of the water .

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