The devil king came here too?

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Author's pov~

There were many questions running in her mind ,but because of her act of being mute,she didn't have any option but to stay silent.

''i wold take the details from miley'' she thought in her mind.

She always hated intimacy and the fact that she was standing under the hawk -like gaze of the king was making her claustrophobic.

So bowing her head ,'shetook two steps backward and then turned around to exit the room ,when his voice made her halt in her steps.

'We will be heading with my army after breakfast ,so make sure you get your necessities ,it will be a long journey''.

She quickly nodded her head and dashed out of his room ,

she was looking at her feet ,,while still walking with her mind consumed with thousand of thoughts,when she bumped into someone.

Looking up she saw a beautiful aristrocratic lady ,taller than her by four inches,looking down right at her with her sharp and bright amber eyes .The facecut she had seemed quite familiar to valentina ,her long brown hairs reached below her hips ,her body looking too much taut ,she looked so attractive,,her beauty so dreamy that it would make boys throw themselves at her.

Valentina was still occupied in admiring the all too attractive lady when she chuckled and said,''I know I'm beautiful ,but the way you are staring at me is creepy,so please move out of my way''

Blush covered valentina's cheeks and she immediately took a side ,giving ample space to the lady and her servants which were looking at her trying to hold back their laughter.

Embarrasment covered her whole being and she kept standing at the same spot until the lady along with her servants disappeared into the king's office.

She was still looking at the door ,rewinding the embarasing moment that just happened a moment ago ,when she was pulled by her arm ,all of a sudden making her gasp , turning arond she saw miley ,who was looking back at her with disappointment lacing her features.

Opening her mouth she said,''Thank god! You didn't offend the royal princess ,or else the king would have not thought for even a single second before snapping your neck ,she is the princess of mrunia ,princess aurora ,she is just as mighty and as talented as king ambroz,they both work together ,she is king's personal advisor ,since the king is going to the west ,she is to accompany him , i am warning you ,the princess is not cruel ,but a royal is a royal ,and you need to behave ,try to nt get on her bad booksand your lifein this castle would be easy ,she is getting married the next month with the king of our neighbour kingdom ,this marriage would help mrunia to extend its boundaries and would make it more stronger.''

They both kept walking ,while miley was narrating her about princess aurora's mightiness ,

Entering the room ,miley helped valentina in packing her back ,making sure she keeps all the material of her basic necessity ,just like a mother would do with her daughter ,

She kept scolding valentina in between ,warning her continuously about the Do's and Dont's.

This motherly act made Valentina's eyes well up with tears .

When miley saw this she panicked and came towards valentina and cupped her cheeks and started to comfort her ,'' Hey hey hey ! I was not scolding you ,I'm just scared ,you would be all alone among the royals , god forbid ! you are still a kid ,atleast for me you are a kid ,going there all alone ,i dont want anything to happen to you ,that's why im continuously telling you to do this and that''

Valentina simply shook her head and interwined her hands around miley's waist while still sitting on the bed ,and placed her head on it ,and sobbed silently for a few minutes

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