In his world!

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The loud ringing of the alarm broke the sleep of the petite girl who was laying on her bed , peacefully in her dreamland.

She got up after turning off the alarm ,and without wasting any time ,and went to her bathroom ti fininsh her morning routine.

After getting ready she went to towards the library and opened it .

The owner of her cafe messaged her last night that the cafe will be closed for a whole week ,due to a mishappening in Emily's house.

The lady was kind hearted and helpful ,but woud get strict sometimes ,if she would find any of her employee not doing their work properly .

She opened the library's door through the spare key that Ms.fitzgerald had given to her.

She went in ,opened all the lights and fans ,arranged the tables and chairs ,cleaned the floor ,and sat on the main chair of the librarian.

Soon students and other people started entering the library and sat on their desk to study.

Valentina then leaned her back on the chair and looked up towards the ceiling.

That book ,''forever ends with us'' changed her whole life.

She thought.

From day one ,after she brought that book in her house everything changed ,her smooth life wasn't smooth anymore.

She lost the most precious person in her life.

Her life literally turned 360 degrees.

Valentina stopped reading the book and brought it back to the library ,and placed it there ,since two years she hadn't touched the book anymore.

It took her a whole year ,after her aunt's death to understand ,that whatever happened that day in the forest was not something normal.

She was so naive and carefree child that she didn't pay much attention to the changes that she suddenly experienced after waking up in the forest .

She was too much entranced by the beauty of the tattoo that her hand still holds.

Also ,being an innocent teenager ,who never had much human interaction ,and had her world limited to Calista's and Abriella's house ,she was not much known to the harshness of life and lacked awareness a lot.

When the society will criticize someone for his/her physical feautures and would judge someone ,without any reason,she was among those people ,who would see beneath the materialistic layers of that person.

She was the type of person who would first see the person from inside and then outside .

Because of this ,anyone's faults ,marks ,skin complexion ,heights never mattered to her.

That's why her choice in friends and people was unique by default.

She was an angel .

But it's said that when life hits you ,everything that you cherish ,dream of ,changes .

Same happened with her.

She became a clinically diagnosed introvert .

After realising her stupidity ,she consulted a psychologist for her .

She had started to consider that forest as a haunted forest .

Because of the happenings that happened in the forest that day.

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