her father and her

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She gulped and took a deep breath in, she was feeling so nervous.

She turned around and saw an ancient but beautiful small two-story house with a shed standing there in all its glory.

She already knew what was going to happen next and she also knew that no matter how much she would try to persuade herself to not do it, she won't be able to stop herself.

She breathed in, squared her shoulders, put her chin up, held her head high, eyes void of any emotion, and walked into the house.

The door of the house was ajar and no voice could be heard from inside the house.

So she decided to call for someone and check whether someone was in there or not.

The first word that came to the tip of her tongue was 'dad', but she bit back those words in her mouth.

A train of thoughts started railing in her head ,

''what should i call him?''

''whom should i even call?''

''Am i in the right house ?''

''Is he a dangerous person?"''

""Does he even know about my arrival?''

Antagonistic thoughts roamed in her mind.

Contemplating for a while she thought of going further ahead and ask a little louder ,''Hello?Is someone there?Can you hear me?''

She heard nothing in response but then she suddenly heard a sound of thud.




The sound was continuous and got louder as she walked closer to the wooden door.

She first thought of knocking on it ,but unsure of what must be there inside ,she opened the wooden door slightly and peeked in through the corner.

She saw a small room ,iit had two doors ,the one which was made of glassand the other was wooden ,both the doors stood facing each other .

the glass door was open giving a view of garden outside .

The garden and the glass doors resembled a lot to the living room of ''Nobita''

But not entirely ,the living room ,where Valentina was standing at the moment had a brown furry yet old carpet on the ground ,the furniture was wooden and old but was kept clean ,the room was lit by dim yellow lights giving a very decent look to the room,purple curtains adorned the walls ,it looked like someone has been taking care of all the things with a lot of love and care.

She walked further and reached the glass door ,peeking her head out ,she was met with a back of a man ,who was standing with the sunrays falling on his head ,he had his back to her and seemed to be in his forties.

He grabbed the axe with his both hands,raised it in the air and then hit it on ,what seemed like a wooden log.

She turned around and again looked back at the room again and then at the back of the man.

She was not an orphan anymore,''she recalled in her mind

Her throat was parched ,she was extremely clueless ,her mind was indeed giving her some ways of tackling the situation ,either because they were too inappropriateor due to her nervousness and awkwardness and the feeling of uncertainity regarding the man who as per ms fitzgerald instructions had to be her father.

The father ,she never knew she had.

She was stilll trying to draw a conclusion about conversing with the person when she heard the sound of clearing of throat .

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