His to do as he please!

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Ambroz pov~

Your majesty! The villagers in the west ,have been suffering from a serious problem ,the minister of the west has informed about a group of large flesh-eaters ,who have invaded the kingdom ,from the west side ,and are assassinating atleast 20 people a day ,and then they dispose off their body in the rivers ,after tearing the necessary amount of flesh and blood ,the commonalty because of this ,is not able to get water from lakes ,for irrigation and other necessary activities and your assistance is requested by Aiden to help them in sorting out this situation .'' My minister zachary informed me.

''prepare the caravan ,we will leave within two days '' I commanded him.

Nodding his head ,he said ''As you say ,your majesty!''

''and what about the m--''my voice was cut short by a shrill scream ,followed my mia's call for guards,making me stop in my tracks ,turn on my heels and go in the direction where the commotion was going on .

''on reaching the center of the hall ,I saw Mia her personal maid and a girl in a peach coloured gown ,with her hairs covering her face ,but the mark of phoenixx's feather on her hand giving it away clearly that she is none other than Valentina.

The way she was holding carla's hairs in her fists was comical ,it seemed like if she wont be stopped ,she would definitely peel off her hairs from her scalp.

So ,in order to drag everyone's attention on me and stop the commotion ,, I shouted ,and as I expected ,the hall went dead silent.

The girls left each other's hairs and stood straight in my direction with their head bowed down .

Since ,Mia was also standing there ,and her holding the title of my fiance , it would be inappropriate if ,I would directly jump into girl's shit and ,try to sort things out.

So I asked her about the reason of the commotion ,whose answer i ,got from mia ,almost immediately

All the while ,mia was filling me in with the happenings ,my gaze was stuck at the long -haired girl whose eyes were casted down ,hands clasped together in the front and head bowed down ,her hairs a little messy from all the ulling ,but the way her eyelashes caressing her cheeks were looking damp ,and the way she was holding her jaw tight clearly gave away ,that there's a lot more to what mia is saying right now.

Since,this little mouse right here is too much fierce for her own goood ,I would do her no favour ,,and let her deal with the things alone by herself ,she should know how to survive among the shrewd people ,because, since she is stuck here in my world ,she is gonna meet a lot of people of such kind ,and needless to say ,im among that kind too .

The way ,mia was flaunting her authority in the castle and her position ,it was clear ,she was showing it all to valentina ,giving her a rough but an accurate idea that she is a ,'dont mess with me' type of person ,which seems like ,valentina received efficiently.

So ,in order,to test her tolerance a bit more ,I decided to give the command of delivering punishment to MIa ,but the decision that she made a ,put my own thoughts at a pause for a moment .

The way she asked her to become her own personal maid ,almost made the beast inside me snap Mia's neck.

We are with each other for benefits ,she is feeding off her obsession ,that she has on me ,and I would be benefitted ,as I would be able to rule her kingdom too ,and include it as a part of Mrunia ,and the fact that this relationshp is just a benefactor for both of us ,seems just as natural and as right as a mother warning her daughter about the bad guy's out there can be.

What am I not getting from this relationship.? I'm getting everything.

Marriage are for benefit ,and I think that I have signed the best deal ,which in any condition is going to yield me profit.

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