3: hangouts before disaster

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"Um excuse me?"


"Why did you do that?"

Kim Dokja asked Cha Haemin who is leisurely walking beside him for the past hour. Her long jet black hair swayed with her every step.

"What do you mean?"

Kim Dokja pursed his lips, aware that the woman beside him knew what exactly he asked but pretended otherwise.

"You mean, why did I ask you to escort me around rather than Manager Han?"

Kim Dokja nodded slowly.

"I feel like I need to do it."

Kim Dokja, who is walking while looking down begins to stop and look at Cha Haemin. So does she.

"You feel familiar." Yup familiar like a character I read in my last life. The one I always sim- admire for.

Kim Dokja widened his eyes. His black eyes looked at her gray eyes with expectation, which she doesn't know why.

"How familiar?"

Cha Haemin hummed, trying to find an answer which is not too weird.

"Like, I know about you before? Something like that."

Kim Dokja's face showed much more anticipation than before. She is the one who is weirded out now.

'Did Cha Haemin really know him before? No way right? Right?'

"Ah I think we can postpone our tour for another day. I'm sure you also has work to do and I also need to go back to my company."

"Ah, yes. Well, that's true."
Kim Dokja looked elsewhere when he realised he was staring too much. He scratches his head.

'Why is he so cute? Does he always like this or is this just a pre-apocalypse personality?'

She walked away in the direction they came before. She had something to talk about with the higher up of this company before going back.

Ah. She stopped when she remembered something. She turned around to look at Kim Dokja who was unexpectedly staring at her. Kim Dokja flustered when she suddenly turned around.

"I.. I'm sorry!"

She pursed her lips to hide her smile.
"Kim Dokja-ssi?"


"How old are you?"

Kim Dokja tilted his head by the sudden question but he answered eventually.
"27 years old."

Cha Haemin smiled.
"Is that so? We are the same age then. I hope we'll get along well after this."

"...I hope so too."

She turned around and waved her hand.
"See you later, Dokja-ssi."

After she turned around, her eyes clouded over.

One year.

Or less.

She doesn't know the exact date but approximately one year..

..the apocalypse will start.

If it's true this world is the world of the novel. If this is the 1863rd round. Kim Dokja is here so it must be true.

She can start her research, she can't live without preparation anymore when she knows there's an apocalypse that will strike.

She needs to read the novel and be the other readers.

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