7: training and run away

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Sweat trailing down her face. Nah, her back is already drenched by her own sweat.

But she can't stop her hands yet. Not when there is a pair of eyes watching her like a hawk.



Her eyebrow twitched. She wanted to bury herself. She can't even feel her hands right now. Give her a break already.



She doesn't care. She let herself be pulled by gravity. Her back touching the ground real hard. But she doesn't care to even groan in pain.

Namgung Minyoung put down the tea and looked at her student. Sunbathing under the afternoon sun without care. Not even moving an inch. If her chest does not raise and fall, someone might assume that she'd die.

"Wake up."


Namgung Minyoung's lips twitched upward.
'Someone is rebellious.'

That's what makes her more tempted to know what this tiny woman could do. It's not her style to force someone to be her disciple but she saw something in this woman.

Moreover, this woman has the power of a constellation. Sure, not her own power but this tiny woman was influenced by this power. Namgung Minyoung knew that the constellation is the one who sent Cha Haemin here.

Motive? Who knows.

But she is sure that it will make this tiny human become stronger.

Basically by learning her martial arts.

Who ever brave enough to put a bloody person in front of her school ground? Too much blood that she assumed that this tiny woman is dead if not for her keen eyes.

And just one week. Namgung Minyoung told Cha Haemin to practise her standing and swinging sword which is her first time doing it. Surprisingly, Cha Haemin is compatible with a sword, rather than a knife or a dagger.

Her stance is sh*t. Her swinging is also like trash for the first day. After that, Namgung Minyoung commanded Cha Haemin to do 1000 swings, 1000 push ups and 1000 squats.

Okay, maybe Cha Haemin looked like a zombie after she finished after day one. Cha Haemin even tries to run the next day but the Breaking the Sky Master prevents her.

Cha Haemin is a rebellious child, but she is also someone who will take the opportunity to improve herself. She is blunt and honest, but she does not resist help from others.


Bark! Bark!

Her relationship with the Breaking the Sky Master also became close. Cha Haemin also started to call her 'Master' after day five.

Today is no different. Cha Haemin is still in the beginning state where 1000 swings are necessary. But not too long.

Look, she refused to do it again. The same thing she said everyday but eventually finished her basic regime.

Her body is not ready for the Breaking the Sky Sword Techniques yet. Cha Haemin needs years of training before she could be taught to learn that technique.

If, she is a normal human.

However, Namgung Minyoung had lived many years to notice a talent and potential in someone, and she saw it at this moment.

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