28: always a liar

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Her legs made a move somewhere.

Where? She didn't know.

She walked away, in the opposite direction of other people.

She has no direction nor destination. Her gaze was focusing on the ground.

"Cha Haemin, you fool!"

"Where the hell are you going?!"

Their voices felt distant. She ignored all of them, not because she didn't care. It was because her mind was somewhere else.

'Is this my tremendous loss?'

Her lips stretched out.

'I see.'

She touched her chest where she got stabbed just now.

'I lost him.'

She stopped walking and looked up to the sky which was vomiting out a superficial snow.

'This is it.'

She huffed a laugh.

'I thought I was ready.'

"Cha Haemin!"

She got tackled from behind. Due to the sudden force, both of them fell on the ground.

"Haemin-ssi! Sooyoung-ssi!"

Her body got turned around and her collar was grabbed tightly. An angry face of Han Sooyoung filled her view.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?! You want to run away?! Don't you dare do anything stupid!"

She blinked her eyes when she was shaken violently by Han Sooyoung. The others finally caught up to them and surrounded them. Her master was not with them right now, possibly with the giants.

Ah she needed to send the ice giants back home.

"Han Sooyoung."

"Ah! I hate you!"

Han Sooyoung clicked her tongue before she stood up. Didn't even bother to help Cha Haemin.

"Are you okay, Haemin-ssi?"

"I'm fine."

Jung Heewon was the one who helped her stand up again.

"No, no, no. Seolhwa-ssi, come here."

"Wait, what are you-"

"Show us your injury. Don't hide it."

"I don't have any injuries. I'm perfectly fine."

Jung Heewon frowned. How come there is none? They clearly saw how she got stabbed just now. And the blood is still clearly visible on her cloth right now.

"Remember what you said to us before, Haemin-ssi?"

"Eh but I didn't -"


She looked down to see Shin Yoosung was also frowning while grabbing the hem of her clothes. Lee Gilyoung was behind her. Cha Haemin let out a sigh. She raised her hands in a surrendering manner.

"Fine, I'll show you then."

She didn't mind her actions right now. Lee Hyunsung respectfully turned around when she began unbuttoning her shirt to show her injury.


"It's gone."

However, they didn't see any injury on her chest. Just the healed scar and nothing more.

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