10: not yet, but closer

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"Hey, Dokja-ssi!"

"Good morning, Haemin-ssi."

She smiled and he did the same with a shy one.

"Did you remember about today?"

Kim Dokja tilted his head by that question, his face is clueless.

"Don't say that you already forget! I just reminded you last night!"

Cha Haemin pointed her finger accusingly at Kim Dokja. Her mouth subconsciously pouted.

He looked elsewhere and laughed.

"Why are you laughing? It's a serious conversation here, sir!"

"Haha I'm sorry, it's just, you look funny."

She blinked in confusion. What the hell is this boy talking about?

She moved her hands and pinched Kim Dokja's cheeks. He stopped laughing and shouted in pain. She smiled in satisfaction before she let go. He looked at her disbelief while rubbing his cheeks.

"You shouldn't laugh because of someone's face."

"No, I'm sorry. Your angry looks really funny. Don't worry, Haemin-ssi, I remember our promise."

She touched her face to feel what was strange with her face but she just brushed it off. Kim Dokja sometimes is a weird boy, not like she's not though.

"Great! Don't do that again."

"No promises."

They began their silly banter again. The students in their classroom ignored their existence after they knew about their closeness.

Don't bother anymore to befriend any of them.


They have been close friends since the moment in the infirmary. Cha Haemin got to see the different side of Kim Dokja. Since the day she managed to make him laugh, she vowed to herself to always see this side of him everyday.

She is becoming selfish day by day. From wanting to make him laugh everyday, she wanted to keep his laugh just for herself.

She is selfish, she was raised like that by her parents. Whatever she wanted, she needed to get it by any means possible.

But she knew, Kim Dokja was a person. She can't control Kim Dokja because he is not someone who could be tempted by her status.

Moreover, she can't view him as an object like others. She views him as a boy, a man.

The sense of protectiveness emerged inside of her every time she saw him getting bullied by Song Minwoo. She protected him even though he was against her from doing it cause of afraid of her getting hurt.

She disobeyed her parents when they found out she befriended someone they didn't like. She made a deal with her parents to ensure that Kim Dokja would not be harmed by her parents by promising to obey everything after she graduated high school, to live again with them and did not run away again.

She didn't know why she willingly did that for Kim Dokja. She didn't understand why she felt like that towards Kim Dokja until she needed to find a book for her 'illness'.

She searched for the cause of why she was palpitating every time she was with Kim Dokja. She searched for why she feels herself burning when he is near her. More and more until she finally gets her answer.

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