13: Gourmet Association gone wrong

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"What is she to you?"

Kim Dokja was baffled by the sudden question thrown by this protagonist after he declared that he would go to the Gourmet Association.


"Don't act like you don't know whom I'm talking about, Kim Dokja?"

Yoo Joonghyuk gazed at the others where Jang Hayoung and Han Myungoh were sparring with each other along with the Breaking the Sky Master observing them before his gaze landed on his master with a black-haired woman.

Kim Dokja followed his gaze to meet with the same view. Cha Haemin was talking with the Breaking the Sky Sword Saint with a bright smile on her face but then got spanked by her master instead.

"Why? Is that something important for you to know?"

Kim Dokja didn't give an answer but he asked back a question he has been curious about. From the way Yoo Joonghyuk looked at Cha Haemin, this protagonist knew who she was- no, he recognised her.

Those two didn't talk at all since they were here. Yoo Joonghyuk and Cha Haemin have been sparring partners since then with the instruction from Namgung Minyoung but they never exchanged simple greetings.

Then he assumed that Cha Haemin never met with Yoo Joonghyuk but somehow Yoo Joonghyuk recognised her.

'I still don't know what she has been doing all this time. Could she have met with Yoo Joonghyuk before? Or could she be roaming around near me before?'

"Just answer my question."

The persistence of Yoo Joonghyuk confused Kim Dokja.

"We.. are friends. She was one of the sponsors in my company before and we knew each other from there."

[The character 'Yoo Joonghyuk' has used the 'Lie Detection' skill.]

[Lie Detection has confirmed that your words are false.]

'Da*n it. To this extent?'

Without uttering any words, Yoo Joonghyuk managed to intimidate him.

"Fine, we have been friends since highschool but...."

He bit his lips and looked at her who was being hit repeatedly on the head with a tobacco pipe from the Breaking the Sky Sword Saint. Her yelp could be heard from here.

"...she didn't remember any of it."

Yoo Joonghyuk raised his eyebrows.

"So I didn't lie when I said we knew each other from that point when she came to my company. The unfortunate event was something uncontrolled, Yoo Joonghyuk. I know you knew better than me."

He sent a smile at the protagonist which was a dry one. Yoo Joonghyuk frowned.

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?"

"Did you?"

"Our situation is different, Kim Dokja. Are you a fool?"

Yoo Joonghyuk turned around to continue his training.

"Before you lose your chance, better tell her the truth. Both of you are a liar."

Kim Dokja's eyes are dilated.

Yoo Joonghyuk strolled back towards his master but his eyes glued on the woman with his master.

Both of them are liars. Kim Dokja kept this secret from her but she also kept something from him. He knew there was more into this than he thought about. About her power and her identity, it was something he couldn't grasp yet.

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