11: her, his euphoria

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She let out a sigh when looking around from her mini throne.

Her eyes trailed around the ice giants who are doing something she didn't ask for.

"Goddess, should we put this here or here?"

"Does this look good in your eyes, my goddess."

"You would look good in this, my lord."

"My lord, look."

They are like a bunch of children who wanted attention. Cha Haemin put her hand on her forehead.

The ice giants were making a new throne for her, they also decorated the throne. They have been doing this since she was coming back from the Constellation Banquet.

She might say that they are quite an imaginative creature. Well, they are the one who suggested her to turn her hair into dark blue and gave her the new clothes to go to the banquet.

When she woke up after passing out after her battle with Nyx, she woke up on a snow bed. It was not cold at all, the snow bed was decorated with glass flowers. Her injuries also were tended by them which she didn't know how.

But then, she saw ice gnomes. She thought that only giants existed here but her imagination about Niflheim was shattered by the appearance of ice gnomes. They are tiny and they are the ones who tend to her injuries.

They are quite cute here actually but some has grumpy expression.

They also buried Nyx's body somewhere, where the body of Hel was also being buried. Then she thought, will she be buried here too if she died?

"You guys don't need to do this."

She won't always be coming here anyway. Now, she felt bad to just leave like that. If not, she would want to leave immediately to Murim right after the Constellation Banquet.

"But, my lord–"

"I know you want me to feel welcomed. But I have work to do outside from Niflheim so I won't always be here."

The ice giants stopped their movements. The ice throne was almost done, just some decorations that needed to be added.

"Please stay for a moment, my lord."

She heard a tiny voice below her. When she looked down, she saw an ice gnome that looked up at her.

'Oh sh*t! They are so tiny that they look cute!'

"The welcoming party was not done yet."

There is another ice gnome coming at her, persuading her to stay for longer.

They must have been 'pampered' by the two previous rulers. Hel and Nyx were a real goddess and constellation, not like her which was a human to begin with.

That means Hel and Nyx were always in Niflheim. Now, Cha Haemin is the new ruler, the other inhabitant here must want her to stay.

Cha Haemin let out a sigh again when she looked up at the ice giants. Their faces were normal without expression but somehow Cha Haemin managed to feel a glimpse of upset from those expressions.

"Fine. Just a week. I'll come back once in a while."

The ice gnomes put their hands up before they ran around, looking like they were celebrating her stay. Even the ice giants let out a huff, creating a mist from just that gesture.

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