9: just kill me

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"You know a lot about me. I wonder how?"

Nyx looked at something before she is tapping on the air. A screen? Is that how constellation watching the scenario and send messages?

"We just like peas in a pot. We knew each other better than expected."

Cha Haemin shrugged her shoulders and continued.

"Interesting yet annoying."

Nyx chuckled. Resting her head on her palm while looking down from her throne.

"Indeed, it is."

Her gray eyes meet with Cha Haemin's lighter one. Her short silver hair looked shiny.

Cha Haemin felt cold by the stare. A stare where she was looked at as a bug who is ready to be crush. A bug who is helpless but always there to be an annoying creature.

Not knowing it's death is just an inch away.

"Fufu, you're scared."

Cha Haemin clenched her teeth and hands to stop herself from trembling. To prove towards Nyx that she is not scared, she walked closer towards the tall throne. At the same time, she looked around if there are another presence besides her and Nyx.

In this place, she could just see the tall throne with the five tall statues on the back. The well-sculpted statues wield a weapon in one hand and are taller than the throne itself, maybe 100 metres or more. She was not sure.

'She sures has a peculiar taste in decoration.'

The gray mist restricted her sight to see other things.

"Who? Me? You make a good joke, Nyx. Maybe you should become a stand-up comedian rather than the ruler of Niflheim."

The heels of her boots are the only sound in this place.

"Maybe you should just give me that position and retired rather than getting kill by a mere human."

"How bold."

Cha Haemin smirked.
"Just how you act with Hel, isn't it?"

Nyx's eyes narrowed.
"Maybe you should shut your mouth from unnecessary bullsh*t, hm?"

"Why? I cross some tragic, humiliate or guilty past?"

Cheeky. She was playing with fire while she is covered with oil.

"Cutting your tongue would be a good starter."

"Oh da*n. That's such a waste. I'm good at using my tongue though."

"Like what? Kissing people? I thought you never kiss anyone, even in this life, purely virgin with no experience."

An irk mark appeared on her head. Oh ho, this constellation also has a sharp tongue.

"Hah! You're not one to talk. What? Already have an experience? Is that why you're alone right now? Because you can't satisfy your partner?"

Nyx's smile looked forced. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"They are out of my league. At least I got to be laid, hm how about you? Crushing over a fictional character and not even managed to do that even after meeting one of them? You live a lonely life."

Cha Haemin stopped walking. They glared at each other.

'This woman.'

'This human.'

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