15: the enigma and feelings

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Blood dripped down her forehead.

Just a little bit more. She just needs a little bit more time.

"Haemin, retreat now."

"What are you talking about, master? I could still move."

She gave her signature grin, getting a frown from her master.

"Just a little more, master. I know that we'll leave this place alive."

"You fool, I'll kill you myself if you die."

"That's impossible but I'd rather not."

'I don't want to die again. If I ever need to, I'll do it the way I want.'

She dashed forward with her sword towards the Outer God. The destruction on First Murim was beyond imaginable. Many people died and those alive were still fighting, but they couldn't bear the immense power of the Outer God.

She managed to cut down three of the tentacles with the help of Namgung Minyoung and she is sure she can do it again.

Probability struck her but was repelled immediately.

Her fables were roaring and she was being targeted by the Outer God.

[Che eky hu man!]

Cha Haemin smirked. Her Fated Eyes skill helped her a lot in this situation. Her status was at full power.

However, she hasn't used all of her powers yet. With the combined power between her, Nyx and Hel; Cha Haemin knew she could at least push back the Outer God into their dimension.

She didn't use it yet because she knew, this is only a trial for her. In the future scenario, there will be more terrible existence coming and at that time was the perfect timing to unleash her full power.

[You should bow down to me, intruder.]

Her voice also roared loudly in the sky. Her eyes shone in a light gray colour almost white before gray mist emerged from her body.

[A new scenario has been given to you!]

[You will have the authority of people in First Murim.]

[Transfer the remaining citizens in First Murim somewhere safe.]

Cha Haemin's eyes dilated.

Really, now? After so much death has occurred? The Star Stream was giving her the right to transport these people into her realm now?


She extended her hands forward, activating her skill.

[Skill 'Memoir Portal' Lv. 13(+3) has been activated.]

The grey portal emerged below the people in her peripheral view, she darted her eyes everywhere to look for the people; death and alive. She has only one chance in transporting this many people at once into her realm.

Breaking the Sky Sword Saint saw it while defending the people, but she trusted Cha Haemin's judgement.

There are no more people and sword masters that could fight, thus she made sure all people were already in the portal she created.

Her magic energy was draining rapidly after she snapped her fingers, the people vanished into the grey portal. It was her first time teleporting people and in this large amount.

She was panting, she just hoped Niflheim could be their home for a moment.

[So you are the one my foolish disciple was talking about?]

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