40: stay but by whose side

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[You can't have them.]

Yoo Joonghyuk frowned.

"I don't know what you are planning and who even are you. But those two, give them to me."

Even after knowing the identity of this person, Yoo Joonghyuk obviously can't back down.

Where even Secretive Plotter want to bring those two go?

What even Secretive Plotter planning to do with those two?

Why did Secretive Plotter so obsessive? Could he say that? Obsessive? Maybe he could.

[The puppet of the most ancient dream. You don't know anything about 'Kim Dokja'.]

Secretive Plotter changed Kim Dokja's position by carrying him on his shoulder.

[Don't even talk about her. 'Cha Haemin', 'Kang Rael'. Do you even know any of those two?]

Secretive Plotter smirked. Yoo Joonghyuk clenched his teeth.

"Doesn't matter. What matters to me is I need Kim Dokja and Cha Haemin for this round."

[Such ignorant. Your incompetency would just kill everyone around you.]

Secretive Plotter was in urgency. He needed to leave before the hounds were coming at him.

[The Ark' is calling out to the Incarnation 'Yoo Joonghyuk'!]

[Constellation, 'Mandala's Guardian', is summoning the Incarnation 'Yoo Joonghyuk'!]

Yoo Joonghyuk also didn't have much time. He just needed to grab both of them and leave.

Their sword collided, however Yoo Joonghyuk can't fathom the strength of Secretive Plotter compared to him who was only in his third round.

Yoo Joonghyuk was pushed back, flying backwards in space, away from what he was about to reach.

Secretive Plotter clicked his tongue when he could feel the presence of the hounds. Without waiting anymore, he went through the [Great Hole] while bringing the two unconscious people.

Yoo Joonghyuk clenched his fists, feeling vulnerable and angry, seeing the two who he had vowed to see the end together. He fell helplessly.

His vision slowly turned dark. Only the bright of star could he sees.

But, why only one?


It was not supposed to end up like this.

Is it not?

She should do much better - lessen the casualties and protecting everyone.. especially Kim Dokja. Her one and only.

Why is she so weak? Does the power she has is not enough?

Failure. Always a failure.

Would she be a failure again? Continue to fail even after trying so hard, even when she would be willing to sell her existence for them- him?

Does she has not given enough? What more she needed to give?

Why does it feels like someone has caved a path for her and she was force to follow it even though she was trying to change for a better path? Why? Why?

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